
자주광대나물(Lamium purpureum)
자주광대나물(Lamium purpureum)
생물 분류ℹ️
계: 식물계
(미분류): 속씨식물군
(미분류): 진정쌍떡잎식물군
(미분류): 국화군
목: 꿀풀목
과: 꿀풀과
아과: 광대수염아과
Harley, 2003
광대수염속(Lamium L.)
[출처 필요]

광대수염아과(--鬚髥亞科, 학명: Lamioideae 라미오이데아이[*])는 꿀풀과아과이다.[1][2][3][4] 10개 족에 약 62개 속으로 이루어져 있다. 광대나물광대수염 등을 포함하고 있다.

하위 분류

곰포스템마족(Gomphostemmateae Scheen & Lindqvist)[5]
  • Chelonopsis Miq.
  • Gomphostemma Wall. ex Benth.
광대수염족(Lamieae Coss. & Germ.)[6]
레우카스족(Leucadeae Scheen & Ryding)[7]
  • Acrotome Benth. ex Endl.
  • Isoleucas O.Schwartz
  • Leonotis (Pers.) R.Br.
  • Leucas R.Br.
  • Otostegia Benth.
  • Rydingia Scheen & V.A.Albert
마루비움족(Marrubieae Vis.)[8]
  • Acanthoprasium (Benth.) Spach
  • Ballota L.
  • Marrubium L.
  • Moluccella L.
  • Pseudodictamnus Fabr.
물꼬리풀족(Pogostemoneae Briq.)[9]
  • 물꼬리풀속(Pogostemon Desf.)
  • Achyrospermum Blume
  • Anisomeles R.Br.
  • Colebrookea Sm.
  • Comanthosphace S.Moore
  • Craniotome Rchb.
  • Eurysolen Prain
  • Holocheila (Kudô) S.Chow
  • Leucosceptrum Sm.
  • Microtoena Prain
  • Rostrinucula Kudô
석잠풀족(Stachydeae Dumort.)[10]
  • 석잠풀속(Stachys L.)
  • Betonica L.
  • Chamaesphacos Schrenk ex Fisch. & C.A.Mey.
  • Haplostachys (A.Gray) Hillebr.
  • Hypogomphia Bunge
  • Melittis L.
  • Phlomidoschema (Benth.) Vved.
  • Phyllostegia Benth.
  • Prasium L.
  • Sideritis L.
  • Stenogyne Benth.
  • Suzukia Kudô
  • Thuspeinanta T.Durand
속단아재비족(Paraphlomideae Bendiksby)[11]
시난드라족(Synandreae Raf.)[12]
  • Brazoria Engelm. & A.Gray
  • Macbridea Elliott ex Nutt.
  • Physostegia Benth.
  • Synandra Nutt.
  • Warnockia M.W.Turner
익모초족(Leonureae Dumort.)[13]
  • 익모초속(Leonurus L.)
  • 흰꽃광대나물속(Lagopsis (Bunge ex Benth.) Bunge)
  • Chaiturus Ehrh. ex Willd.
  • Lagochilus Bunge ex Benth.
  • Loxocalyx Hemsl.
  • Panzerina Soják
플로미스족(Phlomideae Mathiesen)[14]
분류 불확실(incertae sedis)
  • 털향유속(Galeopsis L.)
  • Colquhounia Wall.
  • Garrettia H.R.Fletcher
  • Metastachydium Airy Shaw ex C.Y.Wu & H.W.Li
  • Paralamium Dunn
  • Pseudomarrubium Popov
  • Roylea Wall. ex Benth.


  1. Harley, Raymond Mervyn. Kew Bulletin 58(3): 765. 2003.
  2. Anne-Cathrine Scheen, Mika Bendiksby, Olof Ryding, Cecilie Mathiesen, Victor A. Albert, Charlotte Lindqvist: Molecular Phylogenetics, Character Evolution, and Suprageneric Classification of Lamioideae (Lamiaceae). In: Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden. Band 97, 2010, S. 191–217, DOI:10.3417/2007174, Digitalisat.
  3. Rafaël Govaerts (Hrsg.): Lamiaceae – Datenblatt bei World Checklist of Selected Plant Families des Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Zuletzt eingesehen am 23. Februar 2015
  4. “Lamioideae”. 《Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN)》 (Agricultural Research Service(ARS), United States Department of Agriculture(USDA)). 
  5. Scheen, Anne-Cathrine & Lindqvist, Charlotte. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 97(2): 216. 2010. doi 10.3417/2007174
  6. Cosson, Ernest Saint-Charles & Germain de Saint-Pierre, Jacques Nicolas Ernest. Flore Descriptive et Analytique des Environs de Paris 311, 324. 1845.
  7. Scheen, Anne-Cathrine & Ryding, Per Olof. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 97(2): 217. 2010. doi 10.3417/2007174
  8. Visiani, Roberto de. Flora Dalmatica 2: 214. 1847.
  9. Briquet, John Isaac. In: Engler, Heinrich Gustav Adolf & Prantl, Karl Anton Eugen. Die Natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien 4(3a): 208. 1895.
  10. Dumortier, Barthélemy Charles Joseph. Florula belgica, opera majoris prodromus, auctore ... 44. 1827.
  11. Bendiksby, Mika. Taxon 60(2): 481. 2011. doi 10.1002/tax.602015
  12. Rafinesque, Constantine Samuel. Flora Telluriana 3: 45. 1837.
  13. Dumortier, Barthélemy Charles Joseph. Florula belgica, opera majoris prodromus, auctore ... 46. 1827.
  14. Mathiesen, Cecilie. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 97(2): 217. 2010. doi 10.3417/2007174