기독교 개혁교회 (북아메리카)

기독교 개혁교회 (북아메리카)(Christian Reformed Church in North America, CRCNA, CRC) 미국과 캐나다에 있는 개신교 교단이다. 보통 CRC교단이라고 부른다. 네덜란드의 화란 개혁교회의 뿌리를 갖는 기독교 개혁교회는 1857년 미국에 이민온 네덜란드 칼빈주의자들에 의해서 설립되었다.[1] 비슷한 화란 개혁교회의 전통을 가진 미국 개혁교회(RCA)가 있다. 캘빈 칼리지칼빈 신학교를 운영하고 있다.



기독교 개혁교회 (CRC)는 화란 개혁교회의 뿌리를 가지고 1875년 캘빈 칼리지칼빈 신학교를 세워 교역자 양성을 시작하였다.


CRC 마크

교회정치는 장로교 정치와 헌법을 따르며 성경에 복종하며 하이델베르크 요리문답네덜란드 신앙고백를 받아들인다.[2]

교회와 교인수

연도 교인 교회
1963 256,015 585
1964 263,178 597
1965 268,165 610
1966 272,461 624
1967 275,530 629
1968 278,869 634
1969 281,523 648
1970 284,737 658
1971 285,628 660
1972 286,094 674
1973 287,114 750
1974 287,553 763
1975 286,371 688
1976 287,503 695
1977 288,024 706
1978 287,656 791
1979 289,011 814
1980 292,379 828
1981 294,354 824
1982 296,706 828
1983 299,685 828
1984 302,436 838
1985 305,228 853
1986 306,309 959
1987 308,993 876
1988 310,160 891
1989 310,014 903
1990 314,226 941
1991 315,086 958
1992 316,415 981
1993 311,202 979
1994 300,320 979
1995 294,179 985
1996 291,796 991
1997 285,864 987
1998 279,029 972
1999 275,466 964
2000 276,376 982
2001 279,068 991
2002 278,944 989
2003 278,798 995
2004 275,708 1,002
2005 273,220 1,021
2006 272,127 1,047
2007 269,221 1,057
2008 268,052 1,049
2009 264,330 1,059
2010 262,588 1,078
2011 255,706 1,084
2012 251,727 1,099
2013 248,258 1,101
2014 245,217 1,103
2015 249,227 1090[3]

유명한 회원들

  • David Apol, General Council, United States Office of Government Ethics
  • Herman Baker, founder, Baker Publishing Group
  • 루이스 벌코프, 1873–1957, prominent Reformed theologian of the 20th century
  • Dirk Booy, vice president, World Vision
  • Emily R. Brink, hymnist and professor of church music and worship[4]
  • Scott Brown, U.S. Senator from Massachusetts
  • Sietze Buning, poet, the pen name of Stanley Wiersma (1930–1986)
  • 리처드 디보스, businessman, co-founder of Amway
  • 베치 디보스, US Secretary of Education
  • Calvin B. DeWitt, environmentalist and co-founder of the Evangelical Environmental Network[5]
  • William B. Eerdmans, founder, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company
  • Vern Ehlers, U.S. Representative from Michigan
  • William K. Frankena, 1908–1994, philosopher, University of Michigan
  • Paul B. Henry, U.S. Representative from Michigan
  • Herman Hoeksema, (1886-1965) Reformed theologian who helped found the Protestant Reformed Churches in America
  • Shirley B. Hoogstra, President[6] of the Council for Christian Colleges & Universities
  • 빌 하이징아, U.S. Representative from Michigan
  • Dean Koldenhoven, former mayor of Palos Heights, Illinois[7]
  • Richard Krejcir, pastor, theologian, author and director of Into Thy Word
  • Frederick Manfred, author of Westerns, the pen name of Feike Feikema (1912–1994)
  • Manuel Ortiz, pastor, missionary and scholar[8]
  • Richard and Joan Ostling, authors and journalists
  • 앨빈 플랜팅가, philosopher, University of Notre Dame
  • Charles Kuperus, New Jersey Secretary of Agriculture, Board Member: Christian Schools International
  • 코닐리어스 플랜팅가, theologian, author, president of Calvin Theological Seminary from 2002-2011
  • Michael Rea, philosopher, University of Notre Dame
  • Jacoba Beuker Robbert, co-founder of Pine Rest Christian Mental Health Services
  • Lewis Smedes, author, ethicist, and theologian (1921–2002)
  • Calvin Seerveld, philosopher and theologian
  • The Staal brothers, professional hockey players Eric Staal, Marc Staal, Jordan Staal, and Jared Staal
  • Steven R. Timmermans, psychologist, author, former president of Trinity Christian College, executive director of CRC 2013–present
  • 제이 밴앤덜, businessman, co-founder of Amway
  • 코닐리어스 밴틸, (1895–1987) Reformed theologian, (raised CRC and attended denominational schools before joining the Orthodox Presbyterian Church)
  • Johanna Veenstra (1894-1933), missionary to Nigeria
  • 게할더스 보스(Geerhardus Vos, 1862–1949), theologian, "Father of Reformed Biblical Theology"
  • John Witvliet, directorh[9] of the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship
  • Albert Wolters, philosopher
  • 니컬러스 월터스토프, philosopher, Yale University
  • Pat and Bernie Zondervan, founders, Zondervan Publishing
  • Jerry Zandstra, conservative activist

같이 보기

  • 미국 개혁교회
  • 캘빈 칼리지
  • Christian Reformed Churches (Christelijke Gereformeerde Kerken), a different denomination with a similar name in the Netherlands
  • Christian Reformed Churches of Australia
  • Christian Reformed Church in Costa Rica
  • Christian Reformed Church in Cuba
  • Christian Reformed Church of the Dominican Republic
  • Christian Reformed Church in Eastern Africa
  • Christian Reformed Church in El Salvador
  • Christian Reformed Church in Haiti
  • Christian Reformed Church in Honduras
  • Christian Reformed Church in Myanmar
  • Christian Reformed Church in Nicaragua
  • Christian Reformed Church of Nigeria
  • Christian Reformed Church in Sierra Leone
  • Christian Reformed Church in South Africa
  • Christian Reformed Church in Sri Lanka (formerly known as the Dutch Reformed Church in Sri Lanka)
  • Christian Reformed Church in the Philippines
  • Reformed Church in America
  • The Banner (The Banner of Truth) Magazine


  1. Welcome: Learn about the CRC Archived 2011년 7월 22일 - 웨이백 머신 웹아카이브 틀에 오류가 있습니다: |url= 값을 확인하십시오. 비어 있음. . Christian Reformed Church.
  2. “Church Order and Supplements, 2015” (PDF). 2017년 3월 5일에 원본 문서 (PDF)에서 보존된 문서. 2018년 3월 1일에 확인함. 
  3. “Yearbook”. 2016년 1월 5일. 2015년 11월 17일에 원본 문서에서 보존된 문서. 2016년 7월 1일에 확인함. 
  4. “Emily R. Brink - Hymnary.org”. 《www.hymnary.org》. 
  5. “Dossier - Dr. Calvin B. DeWitt”. 《www.nationalcenter.org》. 2017년 3월 5일에 원본 문서에서 보존된 문서. 2018년 3월 1일에 확인함. 
  6. “보관된 사본”. 2017년 6월 5일에 원본 문서에서 보존된 문서. 2018년 3월 1일에 확인함. 
  7. “Dean Koldenhoven - John F. Kennedy Presidential Library & Museum”. 《www.jfklibrary.org》. 
  8. “Dr. Manuel Ortiz '71 - Cairn Magazine”. 2010년 9월 21일. 
  9. “보관된 사본”. 2018년 9월 7일에 원본 문서에서 보존된 문서. 2018년 3월 1일에 확인함. 

참고 문헌

  • Bratt, James H. Dutch Calvinism in Modern America: A History of a Conservative Subculture. Eerdmans, 1984.
  • Doezema, Linda Pegman. Dutch Americans: A Guide to Information Sources. Gale Research, 1979.
  • Kroes, Rob, and Henk-Otto Neuschafer, eds. The Dutch in North America: Their Immigration and Cultural Continuity. Amsterdam: Free University Press, 1991.
  • Kromminga, John. The Christian Reformed Church: A Study in Orthodoxy. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Books, 1949.
  • Schaap, James. Our Family Album: The Unfinished Story of the Christian Reformed Church. Grand Rapids, Mich.: CRC Publications, 1998.
  • Sheeres, Janet Sjaarda. Son of Secession: Douwe J. Vander Werp. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 2006.
  • Smidt, Corwin, Donald Luidens, James Penning, and Roger Nemeth. Divided by a Common Heritage: The Christian Reformed Church and the Reformed Church in America at the Beginning of the New Millennium. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2006.
  • Swierenga, Robert. Faith and Family: Dutch Immigration and Settlement in the United States, 1820–1920 (2000)
  • Zwaanstra, Henry. Reformed Thought and Experience in a New World: A Study of the Christian Reformed Church and Its American Environment 1890–1918. The Netherlands: Kampen, 1973. 331 pp.

외부 링크
