매물고둥(Neptunea 혹은 Barbitonia)
Neptunea ithia 껍데기, 숨문뚜껑 (operculum)이 붙어 있음
생물 분류 ℹ️
동물계 (Animalia)
연체동물문 (Mollusca)
복족강 (Gastropoda)
신복족목 (Neogastropoda)
물레고둥상과 (Buccinoidea)
물레고둥과 (Buccinidae)
매물고둥속 (Neptunea 혹은 Barbitonia)피터 프리드리히 뢰딩 (Peter Friedrich Röding), 1798
Chrysodomus Swainson, 1840
Costaria Golikov, 1977
Fusus (Neptunea)
Golikovia Habe & Sato, 1973
Neptunia Locard, 1886 (Unjustified emendation )
매물고둥(Neptunea 혹은 Barbitonia) 은 물레고둥과 (Buccinidae)에 속한 해양 복족류 (marine gastropod) 연체동물 (mollusk)인 큰 바다달팽이 (sea snail)의 한 속 (genus)으로, 참소라고둥(true whelk)이다.[ 1] [ 2]
세계 해양생물종 등록소 (World Register of Marine Species, WoRMS)에 의하면, 아래의 유효명(valid name)의 종(specie)들이 매물고둥속에 속한다.[ 1]
Neptunea acutispiralis Okutani, 1968
Neptunea alabaster Alexeyev & Fraussen, 2005
Neptunea alexeyevi Fraussen & Terryn, 2007
Neptunea amianta (Dall, 1890)
Neptunea antiqua (Linnaeus , 1758 )
Neptunea aurigena Fraussen & Terry, 2007
Neptunea beringiana (Middendorff, 1848)
Neptunea borealis (Philippi, 1850)
Neptunea bulbacea (Valenciennes, 1858)
Neptunea communis (Middendorff, 1848)
Neptunea constricta (Dall, 1907)
Neptunea contraria (Linnaeus , 1771)
Neptunea convexa Goryachev, 1978
Neptunea costaria Fraussen & Terryn, 2007
갈색띠매물고둥 Neptunea cumingii Crosse, 1862
Neptunea cuspidis Fraussen & Terryn, 2007
Neptunea cybaea Fraussen & Terryn, 2007
Neptunea decemcostata (Say, 1826)
Neptunea denselirata Brøgger, 1901
Neptunea despecta (Linnaeus , 1758 )
Neptunea elegantula Ito & Habe, 1965
Neptunea ennae Sakurai & Chiba, 1969
Neptunea eulimata (Dall, 1907)
Neptunea frater (Pilsbry, 1901)
Neptunea fukueae Kuroda in Kira, 1955
Neptunea gulbini Goryachev & Kantor, 1983
Neptunea gyroscopoides Fraussen & Terryn, 2007
Neptunea hedychra Fraussen & Terryn, 2007
Neptunea heros Gray, 1850
Neptunea hesperica Fraussen & Terryn, 2007
Neptunea hiberna Fraussen & Terryn, 2007
Neptunea humboltiana Smith, 1971
Neptunea insularis (Dall, 1895)
Neptunea intersculpta (G.B. Sowerby III, 1899)
Neptunea ithia (Dall, 1891)
Neptunea jagudinae Goryachev & Kantor, 1983
Neptunea kuroshio Oyama in Kira, 1959
Neptunea laeva Golikov, Goryachev & Kantor, 1987
Neptunea lamellosa Golikov, 1962
Neptunea laticostata Golikov, 1962
Neptunea lyrata Gmelin, 1791
Neptunea magnanimita Fraussen & Terryn, 2007
Neptunea mcleani R. N. Clark, 2020
Neptunea meridionalis Smith, 1971
Neptunea multistriata (Aurivillius, 1885)
Neptunea nivea Okutani, 1981
Neptunea nodositella Fraussen & Terryn, 2007
Neptunea occaecata Fraussen & Terryn, 2007
Neptunea ochotensis Golikov, 1962
Neptunea onchodes (Dall, 1907)
Neptunea phoenicea (Dall, 1907)
Neptunea polycostata Scarlato in Galkin et Scarlato, 1955
Neptunea pribiloffensis (Dall, 1919)
Neptunea purpurea Tiba, 1983
Neptunea robusta Okutani, 1964
Neptunea rugosa Golikov, 1962
Neptunea smirnia (Dall, 1919)
Neptunea stilesi Smith, 1968
Neptunea subdilatata (Yen, 1936)
Neptunea tabulata (Baird, 1863)
Neptunea tuberculata (Yokoyama, 1929)
Neptunea umbratica Fraussen & Terryn, 2007
Neptunea varicifera (Dall, 1907)
Neptunea ventricosa (Gmelin, 1791)
Neptunea vinlandica Fraussen & Terryn, 2007
Neptunea vinosa (Dall, 1919)
Neptunea vladivostokensis (Bartsch, 1929)
이명(Species brought into synonymy)[ 편집 ]
Neptunea (Trophonopsis) : synonym of Trophonopsis Bucquoy, Dautzenberg & Dollfus, 1882
Neptunea (Trophonopsis) lasia Dall, 1919: synonym of Scabrotrophon lasius (Dall, 1919)
Neptunea apolyonis Dall, 1919: synonym of Boreotrophon apolyonis (Dall, 1919)
관절매물고둥 (Neptunea arthritica ) (Bernardi, 1857) : Barbitonia arthritica (Valenciennes, 1858) 의 이명
Neptunea beringi (Dall, 1902) : synonym of Boreotrophon clathratus (Linnaeus, 1767)
Neptunea berniciensis (King, 1846) : synonym of Troschelia berniciensis (King, 1846)
Neptunea bonaespei Barnard, 1963 : synonym of Buccipagoda bonaespei (Barnard, 1963)
Neptunea brevicauda (Deshayes, 1832) : synonym of Aulacofusus brevicauda (Deshayes, 1832)
Neptunea caelata Verrill, 1880 : synonym of Retimohnia caelata (Verrill & Smith in Verrill, 1880)
Neptunea callicerata Dall, 1919 : synonym of Boreotrophon avalonensis Dall, 1902
Neptunea cincta Link, 1807 : synonym of Filifusus filamentosus (Röding, 1798)
Neptunea dalli Friele, 1882 : synonym of Granulifusus dalli (Watson, 1882)
Neptunea danielsseni (Friele, 1879) : synonym of Mohnia danielsseni (Friele, 1879)
Neptunea denselirata Brögger, 1901 : synonym of Neptunea despecta (Linnaeus, 1758)
Neptunea doliata Röding, 1798 : synonym of Gelagna succincta (Linnaeus, 1771)
Neptunea ecaudata Link, 1807 : synonym of Latirus gibbulus (Gmelin, 1791)
Neptunea ecaudis Locard, 1897 : synonym of Turrisipho fenestratus (Turton, 1834)
Neptunea elegantula Dall, 1907 : synonym of Boreotrophon elegantulus (Dall, 1907)
Neptunea fasciata Jaeckel, 1952 : synonym of Neptunea despecta (Linnaeus, 1758)
Neptunea hanseni Friele, 1879 : synonym of Colus sabini (Gray, 1824)
Neptunea ithitoma Dall, 1919 : synonym of Boreotrophon alaskanus Dall, 1902
Neptunea kotakamaruae Ito & Habe, 1965 : synonym of Neptunea elegantula Ito & Habe, 1965
Neptunea lachesis (Mörch, 1869) : synonym of Turrisipho lachesis (Mörch, 1869)
Neptunea laevigata Link, 1807 : synonym of Fasciolaria tulipa (Linnaeus, 1758)
Neptunea lurida A. Adams, 1863 : synonym of Barbitonia arthritica (Valenciennes, 1858)
Neptunea magellanicus Röding, 1798 : synonym of Fusitriton magellanicus (Röding, 1798)
Neptunea middendorffiana MacGinitie, 1959 : synonym of Neptunea heros Gray, 1850
Neptunea minor (Hirase, 1908) : synonym of Neptunea kuroshio Oyama in Kira, 1959
Neptunea oncoda (Dall, 1907) : synonym of Neptunea onchodes (Dall, 1907)
Neptunea ossiania Friele, 1879 : synonym of Beringius ossianius (Friele, 1879)
Neptunea peregra Locard, 1897 : synonym of Turrisipho fenestratus (Turton, 1834)
Neptunea pertenuis Sykes, 1911 : synonym of Retifusus latericeus (Møller, 1842)
Neptunea pusilla Röding, 1798 : synonym of Nassaria pusilla (Röding, 1798)
Neptunea satura (Martyn, 1784) : synonym of Neptunea ventricosa (Gmelin, 1791)
Neptunea soluta (Hermann, 1781) : synonym of Buccinum undatum Linnaeus, 1758
Neptunea staphylina Dall, 1919 : synonym of Boreotrophon bentleyi Dall, 1908
Neptunea taeniata (G.B. Sowerby II, 1880) : synonym of Neptunea cumingii Crosse, 1862
Neptunea terebralis Gould, 1860 : synonym of Aulacofusus brevicauda (Deshayes, 1832)
Neptunea tolomia Dall, 1919 : synonym of Boreotrophon tolomius (Dall, 1919)
Neptunea virgata Friele, 1879 : synonym of Anomalisipho verkruezeni (Kobelt, 1876)
멸종된 종(Extinct species)[ 편집 ]
북해도매물고둥 (Neptunea despecta )
↑ 가 나 Bouchet, P.; Gofas, S. (2010). Neptunea Röding, 1798. In: Bouchet, P.; Gofas, S.; Rosenberg, G. (2010) World Marine Mollusca database. Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at http://www.marinespecies.org/aphia.php?p=taxdetails&id=137710 on 2010-11-02
↑ "매물고둥속"이라는 명칭에 대하여서는 이준상(강원대학교), 『한국의 무척추동물』 제19권 1호 복족류I(연체동물문: 복족강: 진유폐목, 흡강목), 인천 : 환경부 국립생물자원관, 2013, p.17(https://www.nibr.go.kr/aiibook/catImage/234/Invertebrate%20fauna%20of%20korea%2019_1.pdf )