Suryaniyên Sûriyê

Suryaniyên Sûriyê
ܣܘܪ̈ܝܝܐ ܕܣܘܪܝܐ
Gelhe tevahî
200.000 - 500.000[1][2][3] [4][5]
Herêmên ku lê şêniyên sereke ne
Kantona Cîzîrê, Şam, Hims û Haleb
Suryanî, Erebiya Bakurê Mezopotamya, û Kurdiya Bakurî
Baweriya dînî

Suryaniyên Sûriyê (bi suryanî: ܣܘܪ̈ܝܝܐ ܕܣܘܪܝܐ, erebî:  الآشوريون في سوريا) wek bi kesên Asûrî jî tên naskirin, kesên ku bi eslê xwe suryanî ne û li Sûrî jiyan dikin.

  1. ^ "Prior to the start of the war in Syria, it is estimated that the country was home to approximately 200,000 ethnic Assyrians" [1] at Syria: Assyrian Policy Institute
  2. ^ "The Assyrian population in Iraq, estimated at approximately 200,000, constitutes the largest remaining concentration of the ethnic group in the Middle East." [2] at Assyrian Policy Institute's Erasing the Legacy of the Khabour: Destruction of Assyrian Cultural Heritage in the Khabour Region of Syria
  3. ^ "Syria's Assyrians threatened by extremists". Ji orîjînalê di 12 çiriya paşîn 2020 de hat arşîvkirin. Roja gihiştinê 24 gulan 2020.
  4. ^ Turkey-Syria deal allows Syriacs to cross border for religious holidays "An estimated 25,000 Syriacs live in Turkey, while Syria boasts some 877,000."
  5. ^ Shoup, John A. (2018), "Syria", The History of Syria, ABC-CLIO, r. 6, ISBN 978-1440858352, Syria has several other ethnic groups, the Kurds... they make up an estimated 9 percent...Turkomen comprise around 4-5 percent. of the total population. The rest of the ethnic mix of Syria is made of Assyrians (about 4 percent), Armenians (about 2 percent), and Circassians (about 1 percent).
  6. ^ "Syria - Christians, Armenians and Assyrians". Minority Rights Group International. 19 hezîran 2015. Roja gihiştinê 27 çiriya pêşîn 2016.

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