Amiskwia fuit genus animalium gelatinosorum aevi Cambrii medii. Duae species descriptae sunt, videlicet Amiskwia sagittiformis e schisto Burgessensi in Columbia Britannica, A. sinica e sedimento Chengjiangensi in Iunnania Sinarum reperta.
- Budd, G.E.; Jensen, S. (2000). "A critical reappraisal of the fossil record of the bilaterian phyla". Biological Reviews 75 (2): 253–295
- Conway Morris, S. (1977). "A redescription of the Middle Cambrian worm Amiskwia sagittiformis Walcott from the Burgess Shale of British Columbia". Paläontologische Zeitschrift 51: 271–287.
- Vannier, J.; Steiner, M.; Renvoisé, E.; Hu, S.X.; Casanova, J.P. (2007). "Early Cambrian origin of modern food webs: evidence from predator arrow worms". Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 274 (1610): 627–633
- Jakob Vinther, Luke A. Parry, "Bilateral Jaw Elements in Amiskwia sagittiformis Bridge the Morphological Gap between Gnathiferans and Chaetognaths" in Current Biology vol. 29 (4 Martii 2019) pp. 1–8
- Charles D. Walcott, "Middle Cambrian annelids" in Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections vol. 57 (1911) pp. 109-144
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