Caspasis 1

Caspasis 1 (CASP1), quae erat prima caspasium investigata, tum interleukin-1 beta converting enzyme nominata[1].

Caspasis 1 seu interleukini 1 beta convertasis est enzymum familiae caspasum. Enzymum hoc ex pro-interleukino 1 beta (pro-IL-1ß) interleukinum 1 beta atque ex pro-IL-18 interleukinum 18 (IL-18) velut ex pro-IL-33 interleukinum 33 (IL-33) secat, ut interleukina ex cellula responsum immunitatis liberari possit. Praeterea intra cellulam enzymum nucleasem incitare potest, ut mors cellulae destinetur (pyroptosis)[2]. Genum CASP1 (OMIM: 147678) nominatum in hominibus in chromosomate 11 locatum (11q22.3) est.

  1. Wilson K. P., Black J. A., Thomson J. A., Kim E. E., Griffith J. P., Navia M. A., Murcko M. A., Chambers S. P., Aldape R. A., Raybuck S. A. (1994). "Structure and mechanism of interleukin-1 beta converting enzyme". Nature 370 (6487): 270-5 
  2. Fink S. L., Cookson B. T. (2006). "Caspase-1-dependent pore formation during pyroptosis leads to osmotic lysis of infected host macrophages". Cell Microbiol 8 (11): 1812-25 

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