Derventio fuit castellum et vicus Romanus satis parvus, ad ripas fluminis Derventionis situs et ad transitum viarum trium, scilicet eam quae nomen recentius Ryknild Street habet, eam quae ad occidentem versus ad Devam tendit, necnon illam quae trans montes per Aquas Arnemetias usque ad Mamucium pervenit nomenque The Street reclamat. Hoc in pago, ubi postea urbs Derbia aedificata est, munitiones Romanae tres nobis e ruinis cognoscuntur, quarum antiquissima eo loco reperitur quae hodie Strutt's Park appellatur; altera iuxta vicum suburbanum hodiernum Little Chester; recentissima sub Hippodromo Derbiensi.
- M. Brassington, "A Trajanic kiln-complex near Little Chester, Derby" in Antiquaries Journal vol. 51 (1971) pp. 36-69.
- M. Brassington, "The Roman roads of Derby" in Derbyshire Archaeological Journal vol. 101 (1981) pp. 88-92
- Barry C. Burnham, John Wacher, The Small Towns of Roman Britain. Londinii: Batsford, 1990
- M. Dearne, "The military vici of the South Pennines: retrospect and prospect" in R. Hodges, K. Smith, edd., Recent Developments in the Archaeology of the Peak District (Sheffield: Sheffield University Press, 1991) pp. 69-84
- J. Dool, "Derby Racecourse: Excavations on the Roman Industrial Settlement, 1974" in Roman Derby - Excavations 1968-1983 (1986. Derbyshire Archaeological Journal vol. 105, 1985) pp. 155-221
- A. L. F. Rivet, Colin Smith, The Place-Names of Roman Britain (Londinii: Batsford, 1979) p. 334
- Vivien G. Swan, The Pottery Kilns of Roman Britain. Londinii: Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England, 1984
- H. Wheeler, "The Racecourse Industrial area 1969 and 1973" et "The Racecourse Cemetery" in Roman Derby - Excavations 1968-1983 (1986. Derbyshire Archaeological Journal vol. 105, 1985)