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Keith Kissack (natus 18 November 1913; mortuus 31 March 2010) fuit magister scholarum in urbe Monemuta et rerum gestarum eiusdem urbis scriptor.
- 1955 : The Trivial Round: Life in Monmouth, 1830-1840
- 1963 (cum E. T. Davies) : The Inns and Friendly Societies of Monmouth. Editio recensa 1981
- 1969 : The Formative Years: the rise of Monmouth under its Breton lords, 1075-1257
- 1974 : Mediaeval Monmouth
- 1975 : Monmouth: the making of a county town
- 1978 : The River Wye
- 1982 : The River Severn
- 1984 : Victorian Monmouth
- 1991 : Monmouth and its Buildings. Editio recensa 2003
- 1992 : Haberdashers Monmouth School for Girls
- 1995 : Monmouth School and Monmouth, 1614-1995
- 1996 : The lordship, parish and borough of Monmouth
- 1999 : The Schools in the Priory
- 2000 : Home Front Monmouth
- 2001 (cum Betty Williams) : Monmouth during the First War
- 2001 (cum David Williams aliisque) : Monmouth Priory