Pe Maung Tin

U Pe Maung Tin (nomine primordiali Maung Tin; natus apud Pauktaw municipii Insein Birmaniae die 24 Aprilis 1888; mortuus die 22 Martii 1973) fuit eruditus linguae Pali, religionis Buddhisticae et litterarum Birmanicarum. Ab anno 1912 fuit thesaurarius Societatis Scientiarum Birmanicarum et ab anno 1911 editor Diurni huius societatis.

Opera selecta

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Vide etiam bibliographiam a Patricia Herbert factam, infra notatam


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  • Notes on Dipavamsa (Rangoon: British Burma Press, 1912)
  • A Pali Primer (Rangoon: British Burma Press, 1914)
  • Pali Reader (Rangoon: British Burma Press, 1918)
  • The Student's Pali-English Dictionary (Rangoon: British Burma Press, 1920)

Editiones et versiones

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  • "Abhisambodhi Alankara: The Embellishments of Perfect Knowledge, a Pali Poem" in Journal of the Burma Research Society vol. 2 (1912) pp. 174–83
  • Dhammapada (Rangoon: British Burma Press, 1914)
  • "Rajadhiraja Vilasini or The Manifestation of the King of Kings: a Pali Historical Work" in Journal of the Burma Research Society vol. 4 (1914) pp. 7–21
  • Milinda Panha (being the portion prescribed for the Calcutta BA exam) (Rangoon: British Burma Press, 1915)
  • "English Prose Translations of the Yadus of Min Let-wethondara" in Journal of the Burma Research Society vol. 6 (1916) pp. 9–17
  • "Anantathuriya’s Death Song" in Journal of the Burma Research Society vol. 9 (1919) pp. 153–55
  • The Expositor (Atthasalini): Buddhaghosa's commentary on Dhammasangani, the first book of the Abhidhamma Pitaka (Oxford University Press, 1920-1921)
  • "The Shwegugyi Pagoda Inscription, Pagan 1141 AD" in Journal of the Burma Research Society vol. 10 (1920) pp. 67–7
  • "Chronicle of the city of Tagaung" in Journal of the Burma Research Society vol. 11 (1921) pp. 29–54
  • The path of purity: being a translation of Buddhaghosa's Visuddhimagga (1922)
  • (cum G. H. Luce) The Glass Palace Chronicle of the Kings of Burma (Oxonii: Oxford University Press, 1923)


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  • "Missionary Burmese" in Journal of the Burma Research Society vol. 1 (1911) pp. 87–91
  • "The Burmese Novel" in Journal of the Burma Research Society vol. 7 (1917) pp. 175–80
  • "Buddhist Nirvana: an essay" in Journal of the Burma Research Society vol. 8 (1918) pp. 223–31
  • "Derivation of 'Ari'" in Journal of the Burma Research Society vol. 9 (1919) pp. 155–65
  • "A Note on the Development of the Burmese Language" in Journal of the Burma Research Society (1924)

Nexus externi

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[recensere | fontem recensere]
  • Journal of Burma Studies "Special issue in Homage to U Pe Maung Tin"
    • Anna Allott, "Professor U Pe Maung Tin (1888-1973): the life and work of an outstanding Burmese scholar" in Journal of Burma Studies vol. 9 (2004) p. 11 ff.
    • Alan Saw U, "Professor U Pe Maung Tin: A gentle genius, a meek master" vol. 9 (2004) p. 35 ff.
    • Denise Bernot, "U Pe Maung Tin, researcher, scholar, pedagogue: his contribution to Burmese studies in France" vol. 9 (2004) p. 42 ff.
    • Tun Aung Chain, "U Pe Maung Tin's and Luce's Glass Palace Revisited" vol. 9 (2004) p. 52 ff.
    • Tilman Frasch, "Notes on Dipavamsa: An Early Publication by U Pe Maung Tin" in Journal of Burma Studies vol. 9 (2004) p. 70 ff. Situs venalis
    • Patricia Herbert, "U Pe Maung Tin Bibliography" in Journal of Burma Studies vol. 9 (2004) p. 130 ff.
David's face

Haec stipula ad biographiam spectat. Amplifica, si potes!