Sermones[1] seu SaturaeQ. Horatii Flacci, versibus hexametris inter annos circiter 40 et 35 a.C.n. compositi, in duos libros collecti sunt, C. Maecenati dicati et ante annum 33 editi.
Sidney Alexander, The complete Odes and Satires of Horace. Princetoniae: Princeton University Press, 1999. ISBN 0691004285(Anglice)
A.M. Juster, The Satires of Horace. Philadelphiae: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2008. ISBN 9780812240900(Anglice)
Niall Rudd, Horace, Satires and Epistles; Persius, Satires. Londinii: Penguin, 1979. ISBN 0140442790(Anglice)
Philologica et critica
Ian DuQuesnay, "Horace and Maecenas. The Propaganda Value of Sermones I" in A. Woodman, D. West, edd., Poetry and Politics in the Age of Augustus (Cantabrigiae, 1984)
Kirk Freudenburg, The Walking Muse : Horace on the Theory of Satire. Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1993. ISBN 0691031665
Ortwin Knorr, Verborgene Kunst : Argumentationsstruktur und Buchaufbau in den Satiren des Horaz. Hildesheim: Olms-Weidmann, 2004. ISBN 3487125390Recensio
Niall Rudd, The Satires of Horace. Berkeley : University of California Press, 1966 (2a ed., 1982). ISBN 0520047184.
Catherine Schlegel, Satire and the Threat of Speech : Horace's Satires, Book 1. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2005. ISBN 0299209504.
C. A. van Rooy, "Arrangement and Structure of Satires in Horace, Sermones Book 1" in Acta Classica vol. 11-15 (1968/1972)
James E. G. Zetzel, "Horace's Liber Sermonum. The Structure of Ambiguity" in Arethusa vol. 13 (1980) pp. 59-77