Simeon De Witt

Simeon De Witt

Simeon De Witt (natus in Wawarsing, Novum Eboracum anno 1756; mortuus est Ithacae, Novum Eboracum anno 1834) fuit inter indipendentiae bellum clarus geographus et urbis Ithacae conditor.

Opera selecta

[recensere | fontem recensere]
  • From Bladensburgh to near Alexandria past Georgetown. 1781?
  • A map of Stephen Moore's land at West Point. 1783
  • A plan of the city of Albany, 1794. Neu aufgelegt: Historic Urban Plans, Ithaca, N.Y., 1968
  • A map of the State of New York. Albany 1802 [1]
  • A map of the State of New York. Albany? 1804 [2]
  • The elements of perspective. H. C. Southwick, Albany 1813
  • Considerations on the necessity of establishing an agricultural college, and having more of the children of wealthy citizens, educated for the profession of farming. Websters and Skinners, Albany 1819
  • Albert Hazen Wright: Simeon DeWitt and military tract township names. DeWitt Historical Society of Tompkins County, Ithacae, N.Y., 1961
  • William Heidt: Simeon DeWitt; founder of Ithaca. DeWitt Historical Society of Tompkins County, Ithacae, N.Y., 1968

Nexus externi

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