Societas pro Textibus Anglicis Antiquis[1] (Early English Text Society) est sodalitas quae officium reclamat textuum edendorum qui in lingua Anglica antiqua et media scribuntur et hucusque in libris manu scriptis iacebant. Societas Londinii condita est anno 1864 a F. J. Furnivall qui sic intenta societatis dictavit: "On the one hand, to print all that is most valuable of the yet unprinted MSS. in English, and, on the other, to re-edit and reprint all that is most valuable in printed English books, which from their scarcity or price are not within the reach of the student of moderate means".[2] Usque adhuc haec Societas fere 350 volumina divulgavit in tres series ordinata: