Zità aministreda dala contea (Taiwan)

Articul per Ladin Gherdëina

Na zità aministreda dala contea ei tl Taiwan n ënt al terzo livel de divijion aministrativa, adum cun i chemuns. Chëstes ie sota la contées (segondo livel), che ie sota la provinzies (prim livel).

Ziteies aministredes dala contea

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Tl Taiwan dal catordesc (14) ziteies aministredes dala contea:

Inuem[1] Cinesc Hànyǔ
Wade–Giles Tongyòng
Contea Fundazion
Changhua 彰化市 Zhānghuà Chang¹-hua⁴ Jhanghuà Chiong-hòa or
Chông-fa Changhua 1951-12-01
Douliu 斗六市 Dǒuliù Tou³-liu⁴ Dǒuliòu Táu-la̍k Téu-liuk Yunlin 1981-12-25
Hualien 花蓮市 Huālián Hua¹-lien² Hualián Hoa-lian or
Fâ-lièn Hualien 1946-01-16
Magong 馬公市 Mǎgōng Ma³-kung¹ Mǎgong Má-keng Mâ-kûng Penghu 1981-12-25
Miaoli 苗栗市 Miáolì Miao²-li⁴ Miáolì Biâu-le̍k or
Mèu-li̍t Miaoli 1981-12-25
Nantou 南投市 Nántóu Nan²-tʻou² Nántóu Lâm-tâu Nàm-thèu Nantou 1981-12-25
Pingtung 屏東市 Píngdōng Pʻing²-tung¹ Píngdong Pîn-tong Phìn-tûng Pingtung 1951-12-01
Puzi 朴子市 Púzǐ Pʻu²-tzŭ³ Púzǐh Phò-chú Phú-chṳ́ Chiayi 1992-09-10
Taibao 太保市 Tàibǎo Tʻai⁴-pao³ Tàibǎo Thài-pó Thai-pó Chiayi 1991-07-01
Taitung 臺東市 Táidōng Tʻai²-tung¹ Táidong Tâi-tang Thòi-tûng Taitung 1976-01-01
Toufen 頭份市 Tóufèn Tʻou²-fên⁴ Tóufèn Thâu-hūn Thèu-fun Miaoli 2015-10-05
Yilan 宜蘭市 Yílán I²-lan² Yílán Gî-lân Ngì-làn Yilan 1946-01-16
Yuanlin 員林市 Yuánlín Yüan²-lin² Yuánlín Oân-lîm Yèn-lìm Changhua 2015-08-08
Zhubei 竹北市 Zhúběi Chu²-pei³ Jhúběi Tek-pak Chuk-pet Hsinchu 1988-10-31

Each county-administered city has its own local self-government bodies as stipulated in the Local Government Act: a city office (市公所) and a city council (市民代表大會). The mayor (市長) and members of the city council (市民代表) are elected by the residents of the city. A county-administered city is further divided into urban villages ().

Cëla nce

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  1. "Glossary of Names for Admin Divisions" (PDF). Taiwan Geographic Names Information Systems. The Ministry of Interior of ROC. Trat ite ai 6 June 2015.https://lld.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Wikipedia:Defekte_Weblinks&dwl={{{url}}} Seite nicht mehr abrufbar], Suche in Webarchiven: Template:Toter Link/Core[http://timetravel.mementoweb.org/list/2010/Kategorie:Wikipedia:Vorlagenfehler/Vorlage:Toter Link/URL_fehlt [permanent dead link]