Dons Kjūpits (angļu: Don Cupitt; dzimis 1934. gada 22. maijā Oldemā, Lankašīrā, miris 2025. gada 18. janvārī) bija angļu filozofs un teologs. Kjūpits bijis anglikāņu priesteris un Kembridžas Universitātes profesors, bet šķiet ir plašāk pazīstams kā rakstnieks, strīdīgs reliģisko uzskatu komentētājs,[1] "radikālo teoloģiju" sludinātājs un "sekulārs kristietis."[2][3]
- Šis saraksts ir nepilnīgs; Tu vari palīdzēt, to papildinot.
- Crisis of Moral Authority: The Dethronement of Christianity, Lutterworth Press, 1972, ISBN 0-7188-1924-1
- Who was Jesus? (London: British Broadcasting Corporation, 1977). With Peter Armstrong.
- The Debate About Christ. SCM Press, 1979 ISBN 0-334-00303-2
- Taking Leave of God, SCM Press, 1980, 2001 edition: ISBN 0-334-02840-X
- The Sea of Faith, BBC Books, 1984, Cambridge University Press 1988 edition: ISBN 0-521-34420-4
- The Long-Legged Fly: A Theology of Language and Desire, SCM Press, 1987 ISBN 0-334-00926-X
- After All: Religion Without Alienation, SCM Press, 1994, ISBN 0-334-00036-X
- After God: The Future of Religion, Basic Books, 1997, ISBN 0-465-04514-6
- Mysticism After Modernity, Blackwell Publishers, 1998, ISBN 0-631-20763-5
- The Religion of Being, SCM Press, 1998, ISBN 0-334-02731-4
- The New Religion of Life in Everyday Speech, SCM Press, 1999, ISBN 0-334-02763-2
- Reforming Christianity, Polebridge Press, 2001, ISBN 0-944344-82-8
- Emptiness & Brightness, Polebridge Press. 2001, ISBN 0-944344-87-9
- Is Nothing Sacred?: The Non-Realist Philosophy of Religion (selected essays), Fordham University Press, 2003, ISBN 0-8232-2203-9
- The Way To Happiness: A Theory Of Religion, Polebridge Press, 2005, ISBN 0-944344-53-4
- The Old Creed and the New, SCM Press, 2006, ISBN 0-334-04053-1
- Radical Theology, Polebridge Press, 2006: ISBN 0-944344-97-6
- Impossible Loves, Polebridge Press, 2007, ISBN 978-1-59815-001-8
- Above Us Only Sky, Polebridge Press, 2008, ISBN 1-59815-011-1
- The Meaning of the West, SCM Press, 2008, ISBN 0-334-04202-X
- Jesus and Philosophy , SCM Press, 2009, ISBN 0-334-04338-7
- Holding Fast to God: A Reply to Don Cupitt, Keith Ward, Abingdon Press, 1990, ISBN 0-687-85476-8
- The Predicament of Postmodern Theology: Radical Orthodoxy or Nihilist Textualism?, Gavin Hyman, Westminster John Knox Press, 2001
- Odyssey on the Sea of Faith: The Life and Writings of Don Cupitt, Nigel Leaves, Polebridge Press, 2004, ISBN 0-944344-62-3
- Surfing on the Sea of Faith: The Ethics and Religion of Don Cupitt, Nigel Leaves, Polebridge Press, 2005, ISBN 0-944344-63-1
- New Directions In Philosophical Theology: Essays In Honour Of Don Cupitt, Gavin Hyman (editor), Ashgate Publishing, 2005, ISBN 0-7546-5061-8