Premana Wardayanti Premadi (bhâbbhâr 13 Julè 1964) iyâ arèya sorang astronom Inḍonésia sé aropaaghi ghuru rajhâ Institut Téknologi Bandung. Dhibi'na ampon dhâddhi kopala Observatorium Bosscha sajhâk 2018.
Premadi lahèr ning Sorbâjhâ, Jhâbâ Tèmor ka tangghâl 13 Julè 1964. Abana, Premedi, iyâ arèya sorang dokter bedah bân èbhuna, Soewarni Premadi, iyâ arèya sorang parawât. Dhibi'na toman ajhâr ning Palémbang saat sakola ḍâsar sabellum alanjuttaghi studinya ning Jakarta. ḍâlem sabowa wawancara, Premedi nyataaghi jhâ' dhibi'na terinspirasi kaangghuy ajhâr astronomi bi' ghuru sakola menengngana bân ḍâri gâmbâr sè èkèrèm bi' Program Voyager.
Dhibi'na ngaollé gellar Sarjana Astronomi ḍâri Institut Téknologi Bandung ka taon 1988, bân pas gellar Doktor ḍâri Universitas Texas ning Austin ka taon 1996. Dhibi'na dhâddhi bâbinè' Inḍonésia ḍâ'aḍâ'na sé ngaollé doktor ḍâlem biḍâng astrofisika. Ménorot Premadi, dhibi'na jughân tong-séttonga bâbinè' bân oréng Asian sé ajhâr astrofisika ning Austin ka masana. Disertasina éberri' judul, The Study of Light Propagation in Inhomogeneous Universes Using the Gravitational Lensing Method (èterjâmaaghi sacara bébas dhâddhi "Kajiân Perambatan Cahaya ning Alam Samesta Tak Homogen aghunaaghi Métode Lénsa Gravitasi"). Richard Matzner dhâddhi pambimbing doktoral Premadi bân Hugo Martel dhâddhi méntorra. Dhibi'na ékennalaghi kalabân Matzner bi' Cécile DeWitt-Morette.
Sabuk asteroid otama 12937 Premadi, sé étemoé ka taon 1960 bi' C.J. Van Houten, ènyamaè kaangghuy ngormatè ka taon 2017. Dhibi'na iyâ arèya astronom bâbiné' ḍâ'aḍâ'na ning Inḍonésia sé éberri' nyama asteroid kaangghuy ngormatè. Dhibi'na èanugrahi béasiswa kahormaḍhân ḍâri Royal Astronomical Society ka taon 2023.
Brempan publikasi sé ampon élakoné bi' Premana Premadi éantarana:
- Measuring the impact of Indonesian antennas on global geodetic VLBI network(2021)
- Puspitarini L., Premadi P.W., Colless M., Oh S., Hidayat T., Putra M., Barone T.M., Said K., Barat D.A Search for Extragalactic Diffuse Interstellar Bands: SAMI Data(2019)
- Jaelani A.T., Emas N.P.A.P., Premadi P.W., M Mulki F.A. Constraints on Dark Energy Models in Cosmology from Double-Source Plane Strong Lensing System(2019)
- Viridi S., Premadi P., Aditiawati P., Maqdir E.S., Suheri T., Halid J., Sari K.N., Pasaribu U.S., Sudaryani N.M., Latifah N., Rahimah S. Simulation of bioeconomy system using agent-based model in the case of smart, green, and conventional farming(2019)
- Astronomy as entrance to STEAM capacity building(2018)
- Considering the Astro-tourism Potential in Indonesia using GCIS-MCDA(2018)
- Purwati F.G., Ekawanti N., Luthfiandari, Premadi P.W. Measuring the level of public understanding of total solar eclipse from the mass media: Palembang as sample(2016)
- Laesanpura A., Hidayat T., Abdurachman D., Mahasena P., Premadi P.W., Wulandari H., Suharyadi Y., Sjarmidi A. Micro-gravity measurements during the total solar eclipse of 9 March 2016 in Indonesia(2016)
- Handini A.T., Yulianty Y., Premadi P.W., Annafi A. UNAWE Indonesia project: Raising total solar eclipse 2016 awareness through educational packages(2016)
- Jaelani A.T., Premadi P.W. Mass reconstruction of galaxies clusters: Abell 2219, RXC J2248.7-4431, and SDSS J1004+4112 using strong gravitational lensing(2015)
- Hidayat T., Munir A., Dermawan B., Jaelani A.T., Léon S., Nugroho D.H., Suksmono A.B., Mahasena P., Premadi P.W., Herdiwijaya D., Kunjaya C., Dupe Z.L., Brahmantyo B., Mandey D., Yusuf M., Tri Wulandari H.R., Arief F., Irfan M., Puri Jatmiko A.T., Akbar E Radio frequency interference measurements in Indonesia: A survey to establish a radio astronomy observatory(2014)
- Jaelani A.T., Premadi P.W. The Hubble constant estimation using 18 gravitational lensing time delays(2014)
- Hidayat T., Mahasena P., Dermawan B., Hadi T.W., Premadi P.W., Herdiwijaya D. Clear sky fraction above Indonesia: An analysis for astronomical site selection(2012)
- Martel H., Premadi P. Light propagation in inhomogeneous universes. V. Gravitational lensing of distant supernovae(2008)
- Premadi P.W., Maryam A.S. SFR relation with galaxy environment and colour at z between 0.03 and 0.1(2006)
- Premadi P., Martel H. Light propagation in inhomogeneous universes. IV. Strong lensing and environmental effects(2004)
- Martel H., Premadi P., Matzner R. Light propagation in inhomogeneous universes. III. Distributions of image separations(2002)
- Martel H., Premadi P., Matzner R. Light propagation in inhomogeneous universes. III. Distributions of image separations(2002)
- Cosmological parameter survey using the gravitational lensing method(2001)
- Cosmological parameter survey using the gravitational lensing method(2001)
- Premadi P., Martel H., Matzner R., Futamase T. Light propagation in inhomogeneous universes. II. Cosmological parameter survey(2001)
- Testing the convergence of the multiple lens plane algorithm(2000)
- Testing the convergence of the multiple lens plane algorithm(2000)
- Various approaches to cosmological gravitational lensing in inhomogeneous models(1999)
- Various approaches to cosmological gravitational lensing in inhomogeneous models(1999)
- Light propagation in inhomogeneous universes. I. Methodology and preliminary results(1998)
- Morphological evolution of galaxies(1998)
- Analysis of 'gauge modes' in linearized relativity(1997)
- Analysis of 'gauge modes' in linearized relativity(1997)