
Эарина (Earina mucronata)

Эарина (лат.: Earina) — орхидея тъналста панчф касыкссь. 7 видне. Васьфневихть Океаниеса[1][2][3].

  1. Earina aestivalis Cheeseman (1919)
  2. Earina autumnalis (G.Forst.) Hook.f. (1853)
  3. Earina deplanchei [Rchb.f. (1876)
  4. Earina floripecten Kraenzl. (1929)
  5. Earina mucronata Lindl. (1834)
  6. Earina sigmoidea T.Hashim. (1997)
  7. Earina valida Rchb.f. (1876)
  1. Orchidaceae in L. Watson and M.J. Dallwitz (1992 onwards). The Families of Flowering Plants: Descriptions, Illustrations, Identification, Information Retrieval (анг.)
  2. L. Watson and M. J. Dallwitz, The Families of Flowering Plants, Orchidaceae Juss (анг.)
  3. Berg Pana, H. 2005. Handbuch der Orchideen-Namen. Dictionary of Orchid Names. Dizionario dei nomi delle orchidee. Ulmer, Stuttgarts (дойч.)