This is a log of all articles "moved" into or out of Wikipedia Māori via the Transwiki scheme. Please log which page was moved, and the address it moved to. If a page listed for transfer was deleted, please record the reason why. You should sign your name using ~~~~.
Further details of the transwiki scheme can be found at m:Transwiki and m:Meta:Transwiki log.
When moving an article, you may want to leave the following boilerplate text in its place until the page is deleted:
The contents of this page and the page's history have been moved to interwiki:Transwiki:Article Name via the transwiki system; all future edits should go there.
(The possible move within the other project need not be recorded here)
Please place most recent at the bottom of each list.
you put crete as cydonia place and is greek sidonia phx and as a warning to set up yourself as a creten.
(Please record both moves here)