Bibliografi antropologi

Daftar iko mamuek bibliografi antropologi yakni sajumlah publikasi penting di kajian antropologi, tamasuak berbagai sub-kajian. Daftar iko indak dimukasuikan manjadi daftar langkok sahinggo indak manutuik diri dari panambahan. Daftar iko juo mamuek sajumlah karya nan meskipun indak ditulih dek saurang antropolog tapi masih relevan jo kajian antropologi, takah teori antropologi sastra, sosiologi, psikologi, jo filosofis,

Antropologi adalah ilmu tentang manusia.[1][2][3][4] Dideskripsikan sabagai "ilmu yang paling humanis dan paling ilmiah di bidang humaniora",[5] iinyo dianggap sabagai jambatan antaro ilmu alam, ilmu sosial, dan humaniora[6] sarato manggunoan berbagai bidang terkait. Di Amerika Utara, antropolgi sacaro tradisional dipacah manjadi ampek subdisiplin gadang: antropologi biologi, antropologi sosiokultural, antropologi linguistik dan arkeologi.[7][8] Tradisi akademis lainnyo mamiliki definisi nan kurang laweh, yakni satu atau labih bidang iko dianggap sabagai disiplin ilmu nan tapisah tapi terkait.[9][10]

Antropologi sosiokultural

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Bibliografi kronologis

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Dari awal hinggo tahun 1899

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1900-an sampai 1910-an

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1920-an sampai 1930-an

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1940-an sampai 1950-an

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1960-an sampai 1970-an

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  • Sally Merry, Colonizing Hawai'i: The cultural power of law, 2000
  • Clifford Geertz, Available Light: Anthropological Reflections on Philosophical Topics, 2000
  • Gordon Mathews, Global Culture/Individual Identity: Searching for Home in the Cultural Supermarket, 2000
  • Patrick Tierney, Darkness in El Dorado, 2000
    • Tierney's book was determined to be deliberately fraudulent.[16][17]
  • Tim Ingold, The perception of the environment: essays on livelihood, dwelling and skill, 2000
  • Italo Pardo, Morals of Legitimacy: Between Agency and System, 2000
  • Frans de Waal, The Ape and the Sushi Master, 2001
  • William Ray, The Logic of Culture: Authority and Identity in the Modern Era, 2001
  • Vassos Argyrou, Anthropology and the Will to Meaning: A Postcolonial Critique, 2002
  • Jone Salomonsen, Enchanted Feminism: The Reclaiming Witches of San Francisco, 2002
  • Talal Asad, Formations of the Secular: Christianity, Islam, Modernity, 2003
  • Jean Rouch, Cine-Ethnography, 2003
  • Theodore C. Bestor, Tsukiji: The Fish Market at the Center of the World, 2004
  • Janet Carsten, After Kinship, 2004[13]
  • Aihwa Ong and Stephen J. Collier, Global Assemblages: Technology, Politics, and Ethics as Anthropological Problems, 2004
  • Anna L. Tsing, Friction: An Ethnography of Global Connection, 2005
  • Marcel Detienne, The Greeks and Us: A Comparative Anthropology of Ancient Greece, 2005 (tajamahan Inggirih: 2007)
  • Jean-Pierre Olivier de Sardan, Anthropology and development. Understanding contemporary social change, 2005
  • Nicholas Wade, Before the Dawn: Recovering the Lost History of Our Ancestors, 2006
  • Guha Abhijit, Land, Law, and the Left: the Saga of Disempowerment of the Peasantry in the Era of Globalisation]]2007[18]
  • Philippe Descola, Beyond Nature and Culture, 2005 (tajamahan Inggirih: 2013)
  • Paige West, Conservation is our Government now: The Politics of Ecology in Papua New Guinea, 2006
  • Veena Das, Life and Words: Violence and the Descent into the Ordinary, 2007
  • Andrew Apter, Beyond Words: Discourse and Critical Agency in Africa, 2007
  • Paul Rabinow, Marking Time: On the Anthropology of the Contemporary, 2008
  • Eugene S. Hunn, A Zapotec Natural History, 2008
  • Johannes Fabian, Ethnography as Commentary: Writing from the Virtual Archive, 2008
  • Stefan Helmreich, Alien Ocean: Anthropological Voyages in Microbial Seas, 2009
  • Giuliana B. Prato (editor), Beyond Multiculturalism, 2009
  • Neni Panourgiá, Dangerous Citizens: The Greek Left and the Terror of the State, 2009
  • Philippe Bourgeois and Jeff Schonberg, Righteous Dopefiend, 2009
  • Margaret Lock and Vinh-Kim Nguyen, An Anthropology of Biomedicine, 2010
  • Ulf Hannerz, Anthropology's World: Life in a Twenty-First Century Discipline, 2010
  • Jesús Padilla Gálvez, Philosophical Anthropology. Wittgenstein's Perspective. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2010. ISBN 9783110321555
  • David Graeber, Debt: The First 5000 Years, 2011
  • Tim Ingold, Being Alive: Essays on Movement, Knowledge and Description, 2011
  • Alan Barnard, Social Anthropology and Human Origins, 2011
  • James D. Faubion, An Anthropology of Ethics, 2011
  • Maurice Bloch, Anthropology and the Cognitive Challenge, 2012
  • Jason Ānanda Josephson, The Invention of Religion in Japan, 2012
  • Neil L. Whitehead and Michael Wesch (editors) Human No More: Digital Subjectivities, Unhuman Subjects, and the End of Anthropology, 2012
  • Eduardo Kohn, How Forests Think: Toward an Anthropology Beyond the Human, 2013
  • Italo Pardo and Giuliana B. Prato, Legitimacy. Ethnographic and Theoretical Insights, 2018
  • Italo Pardo and Giuliana B. Prato (editors), Urban Inequalities. 2021
  • Petra Kuppinger (editor), Emergent Spaces. 2022

Bibliografi tematik

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Perkenalan umum jo sijarah

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  • Eric Wolf, Anthropology, 1964
  • Adam Kuper, Anthropology and Anthropologists: The Modern British School, 1973 (3rd revised and enlarged edition, 1996)
  • Peter Just and John Monaghan, Social and Cultural Anthropology: A Very Short Introduction, 2000
  • Alan Barnard, History and Theory in Anthropology, 2000
  • Thomas Hylland Eriksen, What is Anthropology?, 2004
  • Aleksandar Bošković, Other People's Anthropologies: Ethnographic Practice on the Margins, 2008
  • John S. Gilkeson, Anthropologists and the Rediscovery of America, 1886–1965, 2010
  • Fredrik Barth, Andre Gingrich, Robert Parkin, and Sydel Silverman, One Discipline, Four Ways: British, German, French, and American Anthropology (The Halle Lectures), 2005

Teori ritual

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  • Arnold van Gennep, The Rites of Passage, 1909
  • Émile Durkheim, The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life, 1912[12]
  • Sigmund Freud, Totem and Taboo, 1913
  • Erving Goffman, Interaction Ritual, 1967
  • Victor Turner, The Ritual Process: Structure and Anti-Structure, 1969
  • David Kertzer, Ritual, Politics, and Power, 1988
  • Bruce Kapferer, A Celebration of Demons, 1991
  • Catherine Bell, Rituals : Perspectives and Dimensions, 1997
  • Mario Perniola, Ritual Thinking: Sexuality, Death, World, 2000
  • Philippe Buc, The Dangers of Ritual: Between Early Medieval Texts and Social Scientific Theory, 2001
  • Robert N. McCauley and E. Thomas Lawson, Bringing Ritual to Mind: Psychological Foundations of Cultural Forms, 2002
  • Steven Heine and Dale S. Wright (editors), Zen Ritual: Studies of Zen Buddhist Theory in Practice, 2008

Antropologi siber

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  • Sherry Turkle, The Second Self: Computers and the Human Spirit, 1984
  • Arturo Escobar, "Welcome to Cyberia: Notes on the Anthropology of Cyberculture", 1994
  • Sherry Turkle, Life on the Screen: Identity in the Age of the Internet, 1995
  • Stefan Helmreich, Silicon Second Nature: Culturing Artificial Life in a Digital World, 1998
  • Tom Boellstorff, Coming of Age in Second Life: An Anthropologist Explores the Virtually Human, 2008
  • Bonnie Nardi, My Life as a Night Elf Priest. An Anthropological Account of World of Warcraft, 2010. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
  • Daniel Miller, Tales from Facebook, 2011
  • Alexander Knorr, Cyberanthropology (in German), 2011
  • Neil L. Whitehead and Michael Wesch (editors) Human No More: Digital Subjectivities, Unhuman Subjects, and the End of Anthropology, 2012
  • Christine Hine, Ethnography for the Internet: Embedded, Embodied and Everyday, 2015. London: Bloomsbury Academic.

Antropologi desain

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  • Wendy Gunn and Jared Donovan (eds), Design and Anthropology, 2012[19][20]
  • Wendy Gunn, Ton Otto and Rachel Charlotte Smith (eds), Design Anthropology: Theory and Practice, 2013[21][22]

Antropologi ekologi

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  • Julian Steward, Theory of Culture Change: The Methodology of Multilinear Evolution, 1955
  • William Balée, Cultural Forests of the Amazon: A Historical Ecology of People and Their Landscapes, 2014

Antropologi ekonomi

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Antropologi politik

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Antropologi psikologis

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Antropologi urban

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  • Delany, Samuel R. (1999). Times Square Red, Times Square Blue. New York, New York: New York University Press. ISBN 0-8147-1919-8. 
  • Ulf Hannerz, Exploring the City: Inquiries Toward an Urban Anthropology, 1980
  • Italo Pardo and Giulaina B. Prato (eds), The Palgrave Handbook of Urban Ethnography, 2017
  • Italo Pardo and Giuliana B. Prato (editors), Urban Inequalities, 2021
  • Petra Kuppinger (editor), Emergent Spaces, 2022

Antropologi linguistik

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Antropologi biologi

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Teori arkeologi

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  1. "What is Anthropology?". American Anthropological Association. Diakses tanggal 17 March 2013. 
  2. "History and Mission". Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 29 March 2013. Diakses tanggal 17 March 2013. 
  3. "L'Anthropologie". Association Française des Anthropologues. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 9 November 2012. Diakses tanggal 17 March 2013. 
  4. Lévi-Strauss, Claude (dalam bahaso id). Ruang Lingkup Antropologi. BASABASI. ISBN 978-623-305-235-1. 
  5. "What is Anthropology?". Discover Anthropology. Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 5 March 2013. Diakses tanggal 17 March 2013. 
  6. Shore, Bradd (2011). "Unconsilience: Rethinking the Two-Cultures Conundrum in Anthropology". di dalam Edward Slingerland and Mark Collard. Creating consilience: integrating the sciences and the humanities. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 140–158. ISBN 978-0-19-979439-3. 
  7. Boas, Franz (1904). "The History of Anthropology". Science. 20 (512): 513–524. Bibcode:1904Sci....20..513B. doi:10.1126/science.20.512.513. PMID 17797024. 
  8. Segal, Daniel A.; Yanagisako, Sylvia J., eds (2005). Unwrapping the Sacred Bundle: Reflections on the Disciplining of Anthropology. Durham: Duke University Press. ISBN 978-0-8223-8684-1. 
  9. Kuper, Adam (1996). Anthropology and Anthropologists: the Modern British School (edisi ke-3rd). London: Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-11895-8. 
  10. Wulf, Christoph (2013). Anthropology: A Continental Perspective. Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press. ISBN 978-0-226-92507-3. 
  11. a b c d e Kuklick 2008
  12. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n Jones 2010
  13. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology 2016
  14. a b c d Tozzer 2016
  15. Nicol, Caitrin. "Doctors Within Borders". The New Atlantis. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 16 January 2013. Diakses tanggal 19 January 2013. 
  16. "Preliminary report: The major allegations against Napoleon Chagnon and James Neel presented in Darkness in El Dorado by Patrick Tierney appear to be deliberately fraudulent" (PDF). Diarsipkan dari versi asli (PDF) tanggal September 21, 2012. 
  17. "AAA Rescinds Acceptance of the El Dorado Report". American Anthropological Association. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 4 July 2015. Diakses tanggal 14 September 2016. 
  18. "Buy Land, Law and the Left: Saga of Disempowerment of the Peasantry in the Era of Globalisation Book Online at Low Prices in India | Land, Law and the Left: Saga of Disempowerment of the Peasantry in the Era of Globalisation Reviews & Ratings -". 
  19. Pink, Sarah (2014-01-02). "Design and anthropology". Visual Studies. 29 (1): 109–110. doi:10.1080/1472586X.2014.863023. ISSN 1472-586X. 
  20. Samuelsson, Marcus. "Book Review: Wendy Gunn and Jared Donovan (eds), Design and AnthropologyGunnWendyDonovanJared (eds), Design and Anthropology. Farnham: Ashgate, 2012. 284 pp. ISBN 9781409421580 (hbk) £65.00". Qualitative Research. 15 (1): 125–126. doi:10.1177/1468794114520889. 
  21. Magee, Siobhan (2015-11-01). "Design Anthropology: Theory and Practice". Journal of Design History (dalam bahasa Inggris). 28 (4): epv032. doi:10.1093/jdh/epv032. ISSN 0952-4649. 
  22. Foster, Nancy Fried (2015-08-01). "Design Anthropology: Theory and Practice. Wendy Gunn, Ton Otto, and Rachel Charlotte Smith, eds. London: PB - Bloomsbury , 2013. 284 pp". American Ethnologist (dalam bahasa Inggris). 42 (3): 566–567. doi:10.1111/amet.26_12146. ISSN 1548-1425. 
  23. a b c d e "Suggested readings". Anthropology. University College London. Diakses tanggal 15 September 2016. 
  24. "W. W. Howells Book Award". 2014-01-19. Diakses tanggal 14 September 2016. 

Bacaan lanjuik

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