Хелен Фландерс Данбар

Фотографија од Хелен Фландерс Данбар

Хелен Фландерс Данбар (англиски: Helen Flanders Dunbar; 14 мај 190221 август 1959)[1] — важна личност во американската психосоматска медицина и психобиологија. Данбар е основоположник на Американското психосоматско друштво во 1942 година и била првиот уредник на неговото списание.

Истражување и влијанија

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Данбар верувала дека, телото и душата, се интимно поврзани и лекарот мора да ги лекува и двете за пациентот да се излечи целосно.


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  • Anon, "Dr. Dunbar Found Dead in Her Pool", The New York Times, (23 August 1959), p. 95, col.D.
  • Div, M. Hart, Curtis. "Present at the Creation: The Clinical Pastoral Movement and the Origins of the Dialogue Between Religion and Psychiatry". Journal of Religion and Health. 49.4 (2010) 536-546. Online.
  • Eisenber, Ziv "Clear and Pregnant Danger: The Making of Prenatal Psychology in Mid-Twentieth-Century America" Journal of Women’s History. 22.3 (2010) 112-135. Article.
  • Hart, Curtis. "Biography as an Art Form: The Story of Helen Flanders Dunbar, M.D., Ph.D., B.D., and Med. Sci. D.". Journal of Religion and Health. 53.3 (2014): 778-788. Print.
  • Hart, C.W., "Helen Flanders Dunbar: Physician, Medievalist, Enigma", Journal of Religion and Health, Vol.35, No.1, (Spring 1996), pp. 47–58.
  • Kemp, H.V., "Helen Flanders Dunbar (1902-1959)", The Feminist Psychologist, Newsletter of the Society for the Psychology of Women, Division 35 of the American Psychological Association, Vol.28, No.1, (Winter 2001).[1]
  • Mizrachi, Nissim. "From Causation to Correlation: The Story of Psychosomatic Medicine 1939-1979". Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry. 25.3 (2001). 317-343. Online.
  • Powell, R.C., "Mrs. Ethel Phelps Stokes Hoyt (1877-1952) and the Joint Committee on Religion and Medicine (1923-1936): a brief sketch", Journal of Pastoral Care, Vol.29, No.2, (June 1975), pp.99-105. [Dunbar was Director of the Joint Committee.]
  • Powell, R.C., "Helen Flanders Dunbar (1902–1959) and a Holistic Approach to Psychosomatic Problems: I. The Rise and Fall of a Medical Philosophy", Psychiatric Quarterly, Vol.49, No.2, (June 1977), pp.133-152.
  • Powell, R.C., "Helen Flanders Dunbar (1902–1959) and a Holistic Approach to Psychosomatic Problems: II. The Role of Dunbar's Nonmedical Background", Psychiatric Quarterly, Vol.50, No.2, (June 1978), pp.144-157.
  • Powell, R.C., "Emotionally, Soulfully, Spiritually ‘Free to Think and Act’." The Helen Flanders Dunbar Memorial Lecture on Psychosomatic Medicine and Pastoral Care, delivered November 1999, at the Columbia Presbyterian Center of the New York Presbyterian Hospital, New York, New York. Journal of Religion & Health Vol.40, No.1, (2001), pp.97-114. ["This essay explores an earlier era's understanding of the 'spiritual' and the more 'soulful' components of healing and how Dunbar combined these to focus on helping all peoples become 'free to think and act.'"]
  • Powell, R.C., “‘Be Strong! Take Courage! All Ye Who Hope in the Lord’”[мртва врска]. [Has passage & footnote re Dunbar’s mother, Edith Vaughn Flanders Dunbar (1871-1963)].
  • Powell, R.C., “Clinical Pastoral Psychology of Religion: ‘A Peculiar and Dynamic Play between the Mundane and the Sublime’“[мртва врска]. [Has passage & footnote re Dunbar’s father, Francis William Dunbar (1868-1939)].
  • Stevenson-Moessner, Jeanne. "Organicity and Pastoral Care: Theological Interrelationships". Journal of Pastoral Care. 60.5 (2010/2011). 365-369. Online.
  1. „Во текот на патувањето во 1929 година во Европа... таа започнала да се потпишува како „Х. Фландерс Данбар“.