Bassirou Compaoré

Bassirou Compaoré, ya sẽn dog

Bassirou Compaoré
Sex or gendermale Tekre
Country of citizenshipBurkina Faso Tekre
Date of birth23 Tuul-nif kiuugu 1998 Tekre
Zĩ-ninga o rogeWaogdgo Tekre
Languages spoken, written or signedFrench Tekre
Occupationassociation football player Tekre
Position played on team / specialitymidfielder Tekre
Member of sports teamClub Africain Tekre
Sportassociation football Tekre

yʋʋmd 1998 tʋʋl kiuug rasem 23 wã yaa Burkĩna tẽnga b sẽn boond tɩ Burkina Faso tẽnga b sẽn be n be n be ne Sipãnd tẽnga klubã, a Rayo Majadahonda, sẽn yaa b sẽn be b taoorã.[1]

A yɩɩ AS SONABEL, Ittihad Tanger, Chabab Atlas Khénifra la Club Africain yĩnga. [2]

A maana a tẽngr bɛɛbã pipi Burkina Faso wã pʋgẽ yʋʋmd 2017.[2]


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