Official name | Gorom-Gorom |
Native label | Gorom-Gorom |
Country | Burkina Faso |
Capital of | Oudalan Province |
Located in the administrative territorial entity | Gorom-Gorom Department |
Coordinate location | 14°26′40″N 0°14′4″W |
Gorom-Gorom ya tẽng n be Burkina Faso lʋgre rɩtg baobgo.A yʋʋre ya " fõ zĩ tẽnga, ni tond na zĩ tẽnga"tẽnga tara sõngre sore n kon Sahel. A ligd-zugu di kin kon Oudalan provẽnse.A tara raaga ni miisri wusgo a boond neb wusgo wa Tuaregs Bella Fulani ni Sande sẽn koose lab raada sɩmende fan. Easakane ya tẽng ninga sẽn yɛg ti tuud sanma .
Gorom- Gorom tara airpot bilfu ti ya kilometr a yi wĩn- dɩʋtg taoore.[1]
Gorom-Gorom ya lugli n kon Sophie sebre ti ya Nasaara (British) ninga n gʋlse kamba seb ta yʋʋre boond ti Stephen Davies: Sophie ni Albino Camel(2006,Andersen press),Sophie ni Locust Curse 2007 ni Sophie ni Pancake plot 2008.[2]
Gorom-Gorom yé la sebra pʋga ti nuga yéka toin peka tooré ti ya Danish seb gʋlsda gʋlse Thyge Christen sén yanda gʋlse nind ninga sẽn zombe yeeofo n King Aarhus in Central Jutland hali ni Gorm-Gorom yʋʋm 1981. Ti woto sora ya 4,200km ta King hali ni kiuuga yi.