گمون کانّه برخی موارد دله هوش و نژاد مرتبط بائن. بحث فعلی پیرامون این موضوع بر طبیعت، دلایل و اصلاح تفاوتون نژادی امتیازات آزمون هوش دله هسته. سؤال نقشون نسبی طبیعت و تربیت بساتن تفاوتون فردی و گروهی توانایی شناختی دله بفهمستن این بحث بنیادی وسّه به نظر رسنه. این جنجالیهسته چون نظریات و فرضیهئونی دربارهٔ تفاوتون نژادی هوش دله بر اساس رابطهئون امتیازون آزمون و تفاوتون پیشرفت اقتصادی اجتماعی هسته و نا بر اساس شواهد عصبی یا ژنتیکی، و ارتباط دلیل ره ثابت نکانده.
جیمز واتسون
- Crippled by Their Culture - Race doesn't hold back America's black rednecks. Nor does racism by Thomas Sowell
- Race and IQ: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 by Thomas Sowell
- The Skeptic's Dictionary entry on IQ and race
- (Skeptic Magazine): Two book reviews, by Paul R. Gross and Alondra Oubre, of Sarich’s and Miele’s book, Race: The Reality of Human Differences
- Criticism on source material of Bell Curve book
- Poverty and Brain Development in Early Childhood 1999 report
- Miscellaneous articles by Richard Lynn et al.
- Are IQ Tests Biased?
- Scholars Provide an Overview of Explanations for Black-White Test Score Gap
- School Readiness: Closing Racial and Ethnic Gaps
- A review of the field (January 2006) Kohn, Marek, «This racist undercurrent in the tide of genetic research: As taboos fall away, there's a danger that denial of racial difference will be replaced with uncritical acceptance,» The Guardian.
- The Lessons of the Ashkenazim: Groups and Genes, Steven Pinker, June 2006, The New Republic.