Agathidium er en slekt av biller som finnes knyttet til sopp.
Små (gjerne 1,5-3 millimeter) biller med ganske bred kroppsbygning, ovale, glatte og blanke, svarte, pronotum kan være rødt. Gruppen kjennes lettest på antennene, som er ganske lange og 11-leddete. De fem ytterste leddene danner en avlang klubbe, men det åttende leddet er mye mindre enn de andre og er vanligvis forkortet til en liten skive. Hodet er oftest kraftig innskåret bak fasettøynene, med en smal hals, men dette kan være vanskelig å se da billene gjerne trekker hodet inn under brystskjoldet. Hos denne slekten er pronotum påfallende stort, tydelig bredere enn de rundede dekkvingene, og dte er en påfallende "sprekk" mellom pronotum og dekkvinger.
Artene er sterkt knyttet til ulike slags sopp, særlig kjuker. De fleste lever i skog og er aktive som voksne om høsten. Disse billene kan rulle seg sammen til en ball for å beskytte seg.
- Agathidium akallebregma Miller and Wheeler, 2005[2]
- Agathidium akrogeneios Miller and Wheeler, 2005[2]
- Agathidium amae Miller and Wheeler, 2005[2]
- Agathidium angulare Mannerheim, 1852[3]
- Agathidium angustoperculum Wheeler and Miller, 2005[4]
- Agathidium appalachium Miller and Wheeler, 2005[2]
- Agathidium arcticum Thomson, 1862 - finnes i Norge
- Agathidium aristerium Wheeler, 1987[5]
- Agathidium athabascanum Fall, 1934[6]
- Agathidium atronitens Fall, 1934[6]
- Agathidium atrum (Paykull, 1798) - finnes i Norge
- Agathidium badium Erichson, 1845 - finnes i Norge
- Agathidium brevisternum Fall, 1934[6]
- Agathidium bushi Miller and Wheeler, 2005[2]
- Agathidium carolinense Miller and Wheeler, 2005[2]
- Agathidium cavisternum Fall, 1934[6]
- Agathidium cheneyi Miller and Wheeler, 2005[2]
- Agathidium columbianum Fall, 1934[6]
- Agathidium compressidens Fall, 1934[6]
- Agathidium concinnum Mannerheim, 1852[3]
- Agathidium confusum Brisout de Barneville, 1863 - finnes i Norge
- Agathidium conjunctum Brown, 1933[7]
- Agathidium convexum Sharp, 1866 - finnes i Sverige og Danmark, ikke funnet i Norge
- Agathidium dentigerum Horn, 1880[8]
- Agathidium depressum Fall, 1934[6]
- Agathidium difforme (LeConte, 1850)[9]
- Agathidium dioperculum Wheeler and Miller, 2005[4]
- Agathidium discoideum Erichson, 1845 - finnes i Norge
- Agathidium divaricatum Miller and Wheeler, 2005[2]
- Agathidium dubitanoides Wheeler and Miller, 2005[4]
- Agathidium dubitans Fall, 1934[6]
- Agathidium estriatum Horn, 1880[8]
- Agathidium exiguum Melsheimer, 1844[10]
- Agathidium falcatoperculum Wheeler and Miller, 2005[4]
- Agathidium fawcettae Miller and Wheeler, 2005[2]
- Agathidium fenderi Hatch, 1957[11]
- Agathidium framea Miller and Wheeler, 2005[2]
- Agathidium gallititillo Miller and Wheeler, 2005[2]
- Agathidium georgiaense Miller and Wheeler, 2005[2]
- Agathidium haemorrhoum Erichson, 1845 - finnes i Sverige og Danmark, ikke funnet i Norge
- Agathidium hamulum Miller and Wheeler, 2005[2]
- Agathidium hatchi Wheeler, 1977[12]
- Agathidium jasperanum Fall, 1934[6]
- Agathidium kimberlae Miller and Wheeler, 2005[2]
- Agathidium laetum Fall, 1934[6]
- Agathidium laevigatum Erichson, 1845 - finnes i Norge
- Agathidium maculosum Brown, 1928[13]
- Agathidium mandibulare Sturm, 1807 - finnes i Norge
- Agathidium marae Miller and Wheeler, 2005[2]
- Agathidium marginatum Sturm, 1807 - finnes i Norge
- Agathidium mollinum Fall, 1934[6]
- Agathidium nigrinum Sturm, 1807 - finnes i Norge
- Agathidium nigripenne (Fabricius, 1792) - finnes i Norge
- Agathidium omissum Fall, 1934[6]
- Agathidium oniscoides Palisot de Beauvois, 1817[14]
- Agathidium oregonense Miller and Wheeler, 2005[2]
- Agathidium pallidum (Gyllenhal, 1827) - finnes i Norge
- Agathidium picipes Fall, 1934[6]
- Agathidium pisanum Brisout de Barneville, 1872 - finnes i Norge
- Agathidium plagiatum (Gyllenhal, 1810) - finnes i Sverige
- Agathidium pocahontasae Miller and Wheeler, 2005[2]
- Agathidium politum LeConte, 1866[15]
- Agathidium pulchellum Wankowicz, 1869 - finnes i Sverige og Finland
- Agathidium pulchrum LeConte, 1853[16]
- Agathidium repentinum Horn, 1880[8]
- Agathidium revolvens LeConte, 1850[9]
- Agathidium rhinocerellum Wheeler and Miller, 2005[4]
- Agathidium rotundatum (Gyllenhal, 1827) - finnes i Norge
- Agathidium rotundulum Mannerheim, 1852[3]
- Agathidium rubellum Fall, 1934[6]
- Agathidium rumsfeldi Miller and Wheeler, 2005[2]
- Agathidium rusticum Fall, 1934[6]
- Agathidium seminulum (Linnaeus, 1758) - finnes i Norge
- Agathidium sexstriatum Horn, 1880[8]
- Agathidium stephani Miller and Wheeler, 2005[2]
- Agathidium vaderi Miller and Wheeler, 2005[2]
- Agathidium varians Beck, 1817 - finnes i Norge
- Agathidium vesperpressidens Miller and Wheeler, 2005[2]
- Agathidium virile Fall, 1901[17]
- ^ «Artsdatabankens artsopplysninger». Artsdatabanken. 12. november 2020. Besøkt 12. november 2020.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u Miller, K. B. & Wheeler, Q. D. (2005). Slime-mold beetles of the genus Agathidium Panzer in North and Central America, Part II. Coleoptera: Leiodidae. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, 291(1), 1–167.
- ^ a b c Mannerheim, C. G. (1852). Zweiter Nachtrag zur Käfer-fauna der Nord-Amerikanischen Länder des Russischen Reiches. Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou, 25, 283–387.
- ^ a b c d e Wheeler, Q. D. & Miller, K. B.(2005). Slime-mold beetles of the genus Agathidium Panzer in North and Central America, Part I. Coleoptera: Leiodidae. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, 291(1), 1–95.
- ^ Wheeler, Q. D. (1987). A new species of Agathidium associated with an "epimycetic" slime mold plasmodium on Pleurotus fungi (Coleoptera: Leiodidae - Myxomycetes: Physarales-Basidiomycetes: Thrichomolomataceae). The Coleopterists Bulletin, 41(4), 395–403.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o Fall, H. C. (1934b). A review of the North American species of Agathidium. Entomologica Americana, 14, 99–131.
- ^ Brown, W. J. (1933). New species of Coleoptera. IV. Canadian Entomologist, 65, 43–47.
- ^ a b c d Horn, G. H. (1880). Synopsis of the Silphidae of the United States with reference to the genera of other countries. Transactions of the American Entomological Society, 8, 219–322.
- ^ a b LeConte, J. L. (1850). General remarks upon Coleoptera of Lake Superior. In: Agassiz, L. (Ed.), Lake Superior: its physical character, vegetation and animals (pp. 209–241). Boston: Gould, Kendall and Lincoln.
- ^ Melsheimer, F. E. (1844). Descriptions of new species of Coleoptera of the United States. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 2, 98–118.
- ^ Hatch, M. H. (1957). The beetles of the Pacific Northwest. Part II. Staphyliniformia. University of Washington Publications in Biology, 16, 1–384.
- ^ Wheeler, Q. D. (1977). Placement of Anisotoma fenderi Hatch (Coleoptera: Leiodidae: Agathidiini). Entomological News, 88, 137–138.
- ^ Brown, W. J. (1928). New Silphidae and Melyridae in the Canadian National Collection. Canadian Entomologist, 60, 141–148.
- ^ Palisot de Beauvois, A. M. F. J. (1817). In Insectes recueillis en Afrique et en Amérique, dans les royaumes d’Oware et de Benin, á Saint-Dominique et dans les États-Unis, pendant les années 1786–1797. Paris: Impr. de Fain et compagnie.
- ^ LeConte, J. L. (1866). Additions to the Coleopterous fauna of the United States. No. 1. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 18, 361–394.
- ^ LeConte, J. L. (1853). Synopsis of the Silphales of America, North of Mexico. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 6, 274–287.
- ^ Fall, H. C. (1901). List of the Coleoptera of southern California, with notes on habits and distribution of new species. Occasional Papers of the California Academy of Sciences, 8, 1–282.
- Silfverberg, H. 1992. Enumeratio Coleopterorum Fennoscandiae, Daniae et Baltiae (liste over Nordens biller). Helsinki.