Basilepta er en slekt av biller som tilhører familiegruppen bladbiller (Chrysomelidae).
Middelsstore (ca. 5 millimeter), brede, blanke, brungule til svarte bladbiller, kan ha metalliske farger. Antennene er omtrent halvparten så lange som kroppen. Hiodet har litt store fasettøyne. Pronotum er mye smalere enn dekkvingene, avrundet sekakantet med karftig, tett punktering. Dekkvingene er nokså jevnbrede med en tverrfure litt bak roten, slik at "skuldrene" blir utstående, med kraftige punktrader. Beina er kraftige, lårene fortykkede med en liten tann på undersiden.
Både larvene og de voksne (imago) er planteetere.
Slekten er for det meste utbredt i Asia, i tillegg forekommer det én art i Sentral-Afrika.
- orden biller (Coleoptera)
- underorden Polyphaga
- overfamilie Chrysomeloidea Latreille, 1802 (=Phytophaga)
- familien bladbiller (Chrysomelidae Latreille, 1802)
- underfamilien Rotbladbiller, Eumolpinae Hope, 1840
- stammen Typophorini Balý, 1865
- slekten Basilepta Balý, 1860[1]
- Basilepta abdominalis (Jacoby, 1908)[2]
- Basilepta amamiensis Chûjô, 1957
- Basilepta angulicollis (Duvivier, 1892)
- Basilepta anthracina (Baly, 1867)[3]
- Basilepta apicale (Baly, 1867)[3]
- Basilepta apicipennis Chen, 1935
- Basilepta armata (Baly, 1867)[3]
- Basilepta atripennis (Clark, 1865)[4]
- Basilepta aureocuprea (Baly, 1867)[3]
- Basilepta balyi (Harold, 1877)[5]
- Basilepta bicollis Tan, 1988
- Basilepta bicolor (Lefèvre, 1893)[6][7]
- Basilepta bicolorata Chen, 1940
- Basilepta bicoloripennis (Pic, 1930)[7][8]
- Basilepta bidens Tan, 1988
- Basilepta binhana (Pic, 1930)[7][8]
- Basilepta bipustulata (Baly, 1867)[3]
- Basilepta birungana Weise, 1924[9]
- Basilepta bisulcata Chen, 1976
- Basilepta bohemani (Baly, 1864)[10]
- Basilepta borodinensis Kimoto, 1979[11]
- Basilepta brevicollis (Jacoby, 1884)
- Basilepta chalcea (Jacoby, 1908)[2]
- Basilepta chapaensis (Pic, 1930)[7][8]
- Basilepta chiangmaiensis Kimoto & Gressitt, 1982[7]
- Basilepta concinnicollis (Baly, 1878)[12]
- Basilepta congregata (Jacoby, 1908)[2]
- Basilepta consobrina Chen, 1940
- Basilepta convexa Tan, 1988
- Basilepta cornutua Chûjô, 1956[13]
- Basilepta costata (Baly, 1864)[10]
- Basilepta crassipes Chen, 1976
- Basilepta cribricollis (Motschulsky, 1860)
- Basilepta cribrithorax Chen, 1940
- Basilepta cupreata (Baly, 1867)[3]
- Basilepta cupripennis (Baly, 1867)[3]
- Basilepta cyanea (Lefèvre, 1891)[14]
- Basilepta cylindrica (Baly, 1864)[10]
- Basilepta davidi (Lefèvre, 1877)[15]
- Basilepta declivis Tan, 1988
- Basilepta dembickyi Medvedev, 2005[16]
- Basilepta deqenensis Tan, 1988
- Basilepta dhunchena Kimoto & Takizawa, 1981[17]
- Basilepta djoui Gressitt & Kimoto, 1961
- Basilepta elegans Chûjô, 1956[13]
- Basilepta elongata Tan, 1988
- Basilepta fabrei (Lefèvre, 1887)[7]
- Basilepta fedorenkoi Medvedev, 2012[18]
- Basilepta femorata (Jacoby, 1908)[2]
- Basilepta flavescens (Motschulsky, 1866)
- Basilepta flavicaudis Tan, 1988
- Basilepta fukienensis Gressitt & Kimoto, 1961
- Basilepta fulvicorne (Jacoby, 1904)[19]
- Basilepta fulvipes (Motschulsky, 1860)
- Basilepta fuscolimbata Tan, 1988
- Basilepta fyanensis Kimoto & Gressitt, 1982[7]
- Basilepta gibbosa (Jacoby, 1890)
- Basilepta gracilis Chen, 1935
- Basilepta granulosa Tan, 1988
- Basilepta humeralis (Baly, 1867)[3]
- Basilepta hirayamai (Chûjô, 1935)
- Basilepta hirticollis (Baly, 1874)[20]
- Basilepta ikomai Chûjô, 1961
- Basilepta incerta (Pic, 1928)[7]
- Basilepta interrupta Medvedev, 2010[21]
- Basilepta issikii Chûjô, 1956[13]
- Basilepta jansoni (Baly, 1864)[10]
- Basilepta jeanvoinei (Pic, 1928)[7]
- Basilepta kandyensis Kimoto, 2003[22]
- Basilepta kaszabi Lopatin, 1962[23]
- Basilepta kaulbachi (Bryant, 1939)
- Basilepta korhongensis Kimoto & Gressitt, 1982[7]
- Basilepta laeta Medvedev, 1992[24]
- Basilepta laevigata Tan, 1981
- Basilepta laevis (Baly, 1867)[3]
- Basilepta lameyi (Lefèvre, 1893)[6][7]
- Basilepta latericosta Gressitt & Kimoto, 1961
- Basilepta lateripunctata (Baly, 1867)[3]
- Basilepta latipennis (Pic, 1928)[7]
- Basilepta leechi (Jacoby, 1889)
- Basilepta livida Kimoto & Gressitt, 1982[7]
- Basilepta longipennis (Pic, 1931)[7]
- Basilepta longipes Baly, 1860[1]
- Basilepta longitarsalis Tan, 1992
- Basilepta maai Kimoto & Gressitt, 1982[7]
- Basilepta magnicollis Tan, 1988
- Basilepta makiharai Kimoto, 2001[25]
- Basilepta malayana Medvedev, 2016[26]
- Basilepta manaliensis Shukla, 1960
- Basilepta manii Shukla, 1960
- Basilepta marginalis Kimoto & Gressitt, 1982[7]
- Basilepta martini (Lefèvre, 1885)[27]
- Basilepta melanopus (Lefèvre, 1893)[6]
- Basilepta minutipunctata Tan, 1988
- Basilepta minutissima Kimoto & Gressitt, 1982[7]
- Basilepta miyatakei Kimoto & Gressitt, 1982[7]
- Basilepta modesta (Jacoby, 1885)[28]
- Basilepta morimotoi Kimoto & Gressitt, 1982[7]
- Basilepta motschulskyi (Lefèvre, 1884)[29]
- Basilepta multicostata (Jacoby, 1892)
- Basilepta multimaculata Kimoto & Gressitt, 1982[7]
- Basilepta musae (Bryant, 1938)[30]
- Basilepta napolovi Medvedev, 2015[31]
- Basilepta nigra (Baly, 1867)[3]
- Basilepta nigripecta Gressitt & Kimoto, 1961
- Basilepta nigripes (Baly, 1864)[10]
- Basilepta nigrita (Baly, 1867)[3]
- Basilepta nigrita Medvedev, 1997[32] (homonym?)
- Basilepta nigromarginata (Jacoby, 1896)
- Basilepta nigrosuturata (Jacoby, 1896)
- Basilepta nitida (Baly, 1867)[3]
- Basilepta notabilis Chen, 1935
- Basilepta nyalamensis Tan, 1981
- Basilepta oberthuri (Lefèvre, 1877)[15]
- Basilepta oblonga (Motschulsky, 1866)
- Basilepta orientalis (Jacoby, 1890)
- Basilepta ovalis Chen, 1940
- Basilepta pacholatkoi Medvedev, 2005[16]
- Basilepta pallida (Baly, 1864)[10]
- Basilepta pallidicolor (Pic, 1929)[33]
- Basilepta pallidula (Baly, 1874)[20]
- Basilepta pectoralis (Pic, 1931)
- Basilepta picea (Baly, 1867)[3]
- Basilepta piceomaculata (Baly, 1867)[3]
- Basilepta pinguis Chen, 1940
- Basilepta placida (Baly, 1867)[3]
- Basilepta plagiosa (Baly, 1878)[12]
- Basilepta pretiosa (Jacoby, 1908)[2]
- Basilepta proxima (Baly, 1867)[3]
- Basilepta pubiventer Tan, 1988
- Basilepta puncticollis (Lefèvre, 1889)
- Basilepta punctifrons Tan, 1988
- Basilepta punctostriata Gressitt & Kimoto, 1961
- Basilepta quadrifasciata (Jacoby, 1908)[2]
- Basilepta quadrimaculata (Pic, 1931)[7]
- Basilepta regularis Tan, 1981
- Basilepta remota Tan, 1984
- Basilepta rondoni Kimoto & Gressitt, 1982[7]
- Basilepta rubimaculata Tan, 1988
- Basilepta ruficollis (Jacoby, 1885)[28]
- Basilepta rugipennis Tan, 1988
- Basilepta rugosa (Jacoby, 1884)[34]
- Basilepta sakaii Takizawa, 1987[35]
- Basilepta scabrosa (Baly, 1864)[10][36]
- Basilepta schawalleri Medvedev, 1992[24]
- Basilepta sculpturata (Motschulsky, 1860)
- Basilepta scutellaris Chen, 1963
- Basilepta semipurpurea (Jacoby, 1892)
- Basilepta semirufa (Pic, 1930)[7][8]
- Basilepta separata (Jacoby, 1908)[2]
- Basilepta sikkimensis (Jacoby, 1900)
- Basilepta simplex (Jacoby, 1884)[34]
- Basilepta sinara (Weise, 1922)
- Basilepta speciosa (Lefèvre, 1893)[6][7]
- Basilepta spenceri Kimoto & Gressitt, 1982[7]
- Basilepta splendens (Hope, 1831)
- Basilepta staudingeri (Jacoby, 1894)
- Basilepta subcostata (Jacoby, 1889)
- Basilepta sublateralis (Clavareau, 1914)[37]
- Basilepta subpunctata (Achard, 1914)[38]
- Basilepta subruficollis Tan, 1993
- Basilepta subtuberosa Tan, 1988
- Basilepta sulawesianum Medvedev, 2009[39]
- Basilepta suturalis (Motschulsky, 1866)
- Basilepta tibialis (Baly, 1867)[3]
- Basilepta triangularis (Motschulsky, 1866)
- Basilepta tricarinata Tan, 1988
- Basilepta tricolor (Baly, 1877)[40]
- Basilepta trivittata (Baly, 1867)[3]
- Basilepta uenoi Nakane, 1958
- Basilepta uniformis (Motschulsky, 1866)
- Basilepta variabilis (Duvivier, 1892)
- Basilepta varians Chûjô, 1956[13]
- Basilepta varicolor (Jacoby, 1885)
- Basilepta violaceofasciata (Jacoby, 1892)
- Basilepta virendri Shukla, 1960
- Basilepta viridicyanea Kimoto & Gressitt, 1982[7]
- Basilepta viridipennis (Motschulsky, 1860)
- Basilepta viridis (Pic, 1935)[7]
- Basilepta wallacei (Baly, 1867)[3]
- Basilepta weigeli Medvedev, 2015[31]
- Basilepta weisei (Jacoby, 1900)
- Basilepta weixiensis Tan, 1988
- Basilepta yangsoensis Chen, 1940
- Basilepta yimnae Gressitt & Kimoto, 1961
- ^ a b Baly, J. S. (1860). «Descriptions of New Genera and Species of Eumolpidae». The Journal of Entomology. 1 (1): 23–36.
- ^ a b c d e f g Jacoby, M. (1908). Coleoptera. Chrysomelidae. Vol. 1. The Fauna of British India, Including Ceylon and Burma. London: Taylor & Francis.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t Baly, J. S. (1867). «Phytophaga Malayana». Transactions of the Entomological Society of London. 3. 4: 1–300.
- ^ Clark, H. (1865). «Descriptions of species of Phytophaga received from Pulo Penang or its neighbourhood». Annals and Magazine of Natural History. 3. 15 (86): 139–148. doi:10.1080/00222936508681774.
- ^ Harold, E. von (1877). «Beiträge zur Käferfauna von Japan. (Zweites Stück). Japanische Käfer des Berliner Königl. Museums». Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. 21 (2): 337–367.
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- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z æ Kimoto, S.; Gressitt, J. L. (1982). «Chrysomelidae (Coleoptera) of Thailand, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam. III. Eumolpinae» (PDF). Esakia. 18: 1–141.
- ^ a b c d Pic, M. (1930). «Nouveautés diverses» (PDF). Mélanges Exotico–Entomologiques. 56: 1–36.
- ^ Weise, J. (1924). «Zoological Results of the Swedish Expedition to Central Africa 1921. Insecta. 7. Chrysomelidae und Coccinellidae» (PDF). Arkiv för Zoologi. 16 (22): 1–30.
- ^ a b c d e f g Baly, J. S. (1864). «Descriptions of new genera and species of Phytophaga». Phytophaga. 1: 1–16.
- ^ Kimoto, S. (1979). «New or little known Chrysomelidae (Coleoptera) from Japan and its adjacent regions, II» (PDF). Entomological review of Japan. 33 (1–2): 41–45.
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- ^ Lefèvre, E. (1891). «Descriptions d'espèces nouvelles de Clytrides et d'Eumolpides». Annales de la Société Entomologique du Belgique. 35: CCXLVIII–CCLXXIX.
- ^ a b Lefèvre, E. (1877). «La description de coléoptères nouveaux ou peu connus de la famille des Eumolpides». Annales de la Société Entomologique de France. 5. 7: 115–166.
- ^ a b Medvedev, L. N. (2005). «New and poorly known genera and species of Oriental Chrysomelidae (Coleoptera)». Entomologica Basiliensia et Collections Frey. 27: 279–295.
- ^ Kimoto, S.; Takizawa, H. (1981). «Chrysomelid-beetles of Nepal, Collected by the Hokkaido University Scientific Expeditions to Nepal Himalaya, 1968 and 1975. Part III (Coleoptera)» (PDF). Entomological review of Japan. 35 (1–2): 51–65.
- ^ Medvedev, L.N. (2012). «New species of Chrysomelidae (Coleoptera) from Indochina». Euroasian Entomological Journal. 11 (1): 63–69.
- ^ Jacoby, M. (1904). «Another contribution to the knowledge of Indian phytophagous Coleoptera». Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique. 48: 380–406.
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- ^ Medvedev, L.N. (2010). «Chrysomelidae (Coleoptera) of high mountain regions of North-West Vietnam» (PDF). Russian Entomological Journal. 18 (3): 201–208.
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- ^ Medvedev, L. N. (2016). «New and poorly known Oriental Chrysomelidae (Insecta: Coleoptera) in the collection of the Naturkundemuseum Erfurt». Vernate. 35: 347–365.
- ^ Lefèvre, É. (1885). «[New Taxa]». Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France. 1885: lxv–lxvi.
- ^ a b Jacoby, M. (1885). «Descriptions of the Phytophagous Coleoptera of Japan, obtained by Mr. George Lewis during his Second Journey, from February 1880 to September 1881. — Part I». Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. 1885: 190–211.
- ^ Lefèvre, E. (1884). «[Communications]». Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France. 1884: LXXV–LXXVI.
- ^ Bryant, G. E. (1938). «NEW SPECIES OF CHRYSOMELIDAE (COLEOPT.) FROM FIJI, BRITISH NORTH BORNEO AND MALAYA». Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London. Series B, Taxonomy. 7 (11): 249–252. doi:10.1111/j.1365-3113.1938.tb01234.x.
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- ^ Medvedev, L. N. (1997). «New Data on the Chrysomelidae from Nepal» (PDF). Elytra, Tokyo. 25 (2): 255–266.
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- ^ a b Jacoby, M. (1884). «Description of new genera and species of Phytophagous Coleoptera from the Indo-Malayan and Austro-Malayan sub-regions, contained in the Genoa Civic Museum. First Part». Annali del Museo civico di storia naturale di Genova. 20: 188–233.
- ^ Takizawa, H. (1987). «Notes on Chrysomelid Beetles (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) of India and Its Neighboring Areas. Part 5». Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology. 35: 40–58. doi:10.19004/pjssz.35.0_40.
- ^ Mohamedsaid, M. S. (2004). Catalogue of the Malaysian Chrysomelidae (Insecta: Coleoptera). Pensoft Series Faunistica. 36. Sofia: Pensoft Publishers. s. 1–239. ISBN 9546422010. ISSN 1312-0174.
- ^ Clavareau, H. (1914). Junk, red. «Chrysomelidae: 11. Eumolpinae». 59. Berlin: W. Junk: 1–215.
- ^ Achard, J. (1914). «Eumolpides noveaux d'Afrique tropicale». Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France. 1914: 227–231.
- ^ Medvedev, L. (2009). «New and poorly-known species of Chrysomelidae (Coleoptera) from Sulawesi, Bali and Singapore». Entomologica Basiliensia. 31: 245–254.
- ^ Baly, J. S. (1877). «Descriptions of new species of phytophagous beetles belonging to the family Eumolpidae; and a monograph of the genus Eumolpus». Transactions of the Entomological Society of London. 1877 (1): 37–56.