Ardulfurataini Watan

Ardulfurataini Watan (Land van twee rivieren) was vanaf 1979 het volkslied van Irak tot het in 2004 vervangen werd door Mawtini.

De tekst is geschreven door Shafiq Abdul Jabar Al-Kamali, de muziek door Walid Georges Gholmieh.

Watanun Medde Alalufqui Janaha
Warteda Majdalkadarati Wisha
Burikat Ardulfurataini Watan
Abqariyyalmajd Azmen Wa Samaha Wata ha.

Hathihil-ardu Lehibun Wa Sana
Wa Shumukhum La Tudanini Sama
Jabalun Yesmu Ala Hamil-duna
Wa Suhulun Jassadat Fina-l-iba
Babilun Fina Wa Ashourun Lena
Wa Bina-l-tarikhu Yakhdallu Dia
Nahnu Fin-nasi Jamana Wahduna
Ghadbat As-sayfi Wa Hilm Al-anbiya.

Ya Saraya Al-bathi Ya Usde-l-arin
Ya Shumukh Al-izzi Wal-majd It-talid
Izahafi Kal-hawli Lin-nasri-l-mubin
Wab Athi Fi Ardina Ahda-r-rashid
Nahnu Jeel-ul-bathli Fajru-l-kadihin
Ya Rihab Al-majd Udna Min Jadid
Ummatun Nabni Bi Azmin La Yalim
Wa Shahidun Yaqatfi Khatwa Shahid.

Shatuna-l-jabbar Zahwun Wantilaq
Wa Qila Al-izzi Yebniba Al-rifag
Dumta Lil-urbi Malathan Ya Iraq
Wa Shumusan Tajalu-l-layla Sabaha.

Engelse vertaling

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A home land that extended its wings over the horizon,
And wore the glory of civilization as a garment -
Blessed be the land of the two rivers,
A homeland of glorious determination and tolerance.

This homeland is made of flame and splendour
And pride unequalled by the high heavens.
It is a mountain that rises above the tops of the world
And a plain that embodies our pride.
Babylon is inherent in us and Assyria is ours,
And because of the glory of our background
History itself radiates with light,
And it is we alone who possess the anger of the sword
And the patience of the prophets.

Oh company of al-Ba'th, you pride of lions,
Oh pinnacle of pride and of inherited glory,
Advance, bringing terror, to a certain victory
And resurrect the time of al-Rashid in our land!
We are a generation who give all and toil to the utmost.

Oh expanse of glory, we have returned anew
To a nation that we build with unyielding determination.
And each martyr follows in the footsteps of a former martyr.
Our mighty nation is filled with pride and vigour
And the comrades build the fortresses of glory.
Oh Iraq, may you remain forever a refuge for all the Arabs
And be as suns that turn night into day!

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