Natural Selection

Natural Selection is het derde studioalbum van Fuel, uitgebracht in 2003.

Alle nummers op het album zijn geschreven door Carl Bell, tenzij anders aangegeven.

  1. "Quarter" - 3:39
  2. "Down Inside of You" - 4:07
  3. "Million Miles" - 3:51
  4. "Falls on Me" - 4:13
  5. "These Things" - 4:57
  6. "Won't Back Down (Bring You Hell Remix)" - 3:23
  7. "Running Away" - 4:54
  8. "Most of All" - 4:13
  9. "Getting Thru?" - 4:09
  10. "Die Like This" - 4:29
  11. "Luck" (Brett Scallions) - 4:15
  12. "Days with You" - 4:29