Skin:Shadows/Silence, a novel, West Coast Poetry Review, 1976.
Dark Milk, poetry, Momentum Press, Los Angeles, 1978.
The Axis Mundi Poems, Jazz Press, Santa Cruz, 1981, ISBN978-0937310090978-0937310090.
Tree/The Woman Who Slept with Men to Take the War Out of Them, Peace Press, 1981. Reprinted, Wingbow Press, 1983.
Looking For The Faces Of God, poetry, Parallax Press, Berkeley, 1989, ISBN978-0938077237978-0938077237.
What Dinah Thought, a novel, Viking/Penguin, 1989, ISBN978-0670827503978-0670827503.
A Sabbath Among The Ruins, poetry, Parallax press, 1992, ISBN978-0938077534978-0938077534.
Writing For Your Life, A Guide And Companion To The Inner Worlds, Harper San Francisco 1992,ISBN978-0062506122978-0062506122 Published in Italian as Scrivere Per Crescere, Astrolabio, 1992.
Tree: Essays & Pieces, North Atlantic Books, 1997. ISBN978-1556432453978-1556432453 (updated/expanded from 1981/1983 editions) Published in Italian as LINFA in 1978, La Salamandra, Milano.
Intimate Nature: The Bond Between Women & Animals, co-edited with Linda Hogan and Brenda Peterson, Ballantine Books, 1998. Paperback edition April 1999. ISBN978-0449003008978-0449003008