Enoch Adeboye

Enoch Adeboye
Man abi wumanman Chenj-am
Kontri wey e kom fromNaija Chenj-am
Nem for lokal langwejEnoch Adejare Adeboye Chenj-am
Orijina nemEnoch Adejare Adeboye Chenj-am
Fest nemEnoch Chenj-am
Famili nemAdeboye Chenj-am
AliasDaddy GO, Pastor Adeboye Chenj-am
Wen dem bon am2 March 1942 Chenj-am
Ples wey dem bon amNaija, Osun State, Q13140683 Chenj-am
Pesin wey e mariFoluke Adeboye Chenj-am
Fest langwejYoruba Langwej Chenj-am
Langwej wey e fit tok, rait abi yuz hand tokEnglish langwej, Yoruba Langwej, Naijá langwej Chenj-am
Langwej wey e tek rait di wokEnglish langwej Chenj-am
Wok wey e dey dupreacher, profeso, translator, author, pastor Chenj-am
Wu e dey wok forUniversity of Lagos, Redeemed Christian Church of God Chenj-am
Wie e go skulUniversity of Lagos, University of Nigeria, University of Lagos Chenj-am
Wie e dey livLagos, Redemption Camp Chenj-am
Work locationRedemption Camp Chenj-am
E pipulYoruba pipul, Yoruba Langwej Chenj-am
RilijonChristianity Chenj-am
Eye kolorbrown Chenj-am
Official websitehttps://eaadeboye.com/, https://eaadeboye.com/contact/ Chenj-am
Personal pronounL485 Chenj-am

Enoch Adejare Adeboye (dem bon am for March 2, 1942) na Naija pasto an Jeneral ovasiya of Redeemed Christian Church of God.

How e tek stat life

[chenj-am | chenj-am for orijin]

Dem bon Enoch Adejare Adeboye on March 2, 1942 in Ifewara wey dey nia Ife in Souta Rijion in Naija.Enoch Adeboye famili no too get moni

How e tek go skull

[chenj-am | chenj-am for orijin]

Adeboye in 1956 stat to go Ilesha Grama Skul wey dey Ilesha for Ogun Stet.Afta dat time, e fest go University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN) in Nsukka bot e no finish di skul bikos of di Naija sivu war.Adeboye kom go rid Matimatis an get e fest digri in 1967 for Univasiti of Ife. (di nem of di skul now na Obafemi Awolowo University). In 1967, Adeboye kom mari e wife, Foluke Adenike an dey bon four pikin:

  • Adeolu Adeboye
  • Bolu Adubi ( née Adeboye)
  • Dare Adeboye
  • Leke Adeboye

In 1967, Adeboye get Masta digri in Hydrodynamics fom Univasiti of Legos.In 1975, e get e Ph.D in Applied Mathematics fom di Univasiti of Legos.

E wok as pasto

[chenj-am | chenj-am for orijin]

Adeboye join di Redemed Christian Church of God in 1973 an e du intapreta for di chorch bifor dey mek am pasto.Na pa Josiah Akindayomi in 1975.Adeboye kom bikom jeneral ovasiya of Redeem Chorch in 1981.For three years, Adeboye dey wok for University of Ilorin (Unilorin) an at di sem time, e dey du pasto. Afta three years wey e dey du tishin an prishin togeda, Adeboye stop to dey tish an yuz all e time an pawa faze prishin.Bifor Adeboye bikom di Jeneral ovasiya of Redeem Chorch, di Chorch no too popula like dat. Adeboye hep di chorch to dey kontri wey go rish 198 kontri an pipul wey dey go di chorch in Naija pass 14 million.Adeboye tok sey e plan na to mek sure sey mek pipul dey si di Chorch evri 5 minit wey dem don waka. Pipul tok sey Adeboye na pasto wey like to dey prish abaut moni an propati an e sef no folo dem chenj wod bikos of dat. Bikos Govament tok sey mek enibodi no yuz more dan 20 years tek du oga for organazashon wey no bi biznes Organazashon an sey mek enibodi wey don pass 70 years no bi oga, Adeboye risain as Jeneral ovasiya in 2017. Adeboye du e 80 years betday in 2022 an e giv hospitu plenti tins on dat day.

Buk wey e don rait

[chenj-am | chenj-am for orijin]

Adeboye don rait meni buk, some of Dem na:

  • Open Heavens Daily Devotional
  • Lessons from the Sower
  • Christian Moderator
  • Deadly Enemy of Man
  • Divine Favour
  • Kingdom Prosperity
  • Fruits of the Spirit
  • God of Wonders
  • God’s Remembrance and Deliverance
  • Prevailing Prayers
  • The Wonder Working God
  • Transitions
  • Mathematics & Greatness

Yunivasiti wey e don dash moni

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Adeboye don dash four Naija Yunivasiti tins.Di yunifasiti wey e don dash tins inklud: Obafemi Awolowo Yunivasiti an Yunifasiti of Nigeria

Awod wey e don risiv

[chenj-am | chenj-am for orijin]

Newsweek (2008) tok sey Adeboye bi one of di fifti pupil wey get pawa for di hol wold. New Africa Magazine (2019) tok sey Adeboye dey among di 100 pipul wey get mouth pass for Afrika.

E pasonal life

[chenj-am | chenj-am for orijin]

On February 17, 1967, Adeboye mari Folu Adeboye. E don bon four pikin-dem (three boiz and one gel) and Adeboye get plenti gran-pikin.

On May 4, 2021, Adeboye pikin Dare Adeboye kpai at di age of 42 years.