Der Harold S. Bender (1897-1962) waar en Mennischt. Er hot Anabaptist Vision in 1944 gschriwwe.
- Conrad Grebel der erste Führer der Schweizer Täufer + 1526, Dissertation: Univ., Diss.--Heidelberg, 1936.
- Old Testament law and history, Scottdale, PA : Mennonite Publ. House, 1936
- Menno Simons' life and writings : a quadricentennial tribute, 1536-1936: biography: Mennonite Publ. House, 1936
- Mennonites and their heritage Akron, Penn. : The Mennonite Central Committee, 1941
- The Anabaptist vision, Goshen, Ind. : Mennonite Historical Society, 1949, 1944
- Divine healing: A symposium, Scottdale, Pa. : Herald Press, 1950
- The Mennonite encyclopedia : a comprehensive reference work on the Anabaptist-Mennonite movement. [Editors: Harold S. Bender and C. Henry Smith]. Hillsboro, Kansas : Mennonite Brethren Publishing House, 1972-1976