Boston Journal of Natural History

Boston Journal of Natural History

 Stany Zjednoczone


Boston, Massachusetts


Boston Society of Natural History



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Boston Journal of Natural History (1834–1863) – czasopismo naukowe wydawane przez Boston Society of Natural History w połowie XIX wieku w Massachusetts. Wśród publikujących tam autorów znajdowali się Charles T. Jackson i Augustus A. Gould.

Każdy numer zawierał litografie, niektóre kolorowe, których autorami byli E.W. Bouvé, B.F. Nutting i A. Sonrel[1].

Kontynuacją czasopisma były Memoirs Read Before the Boston Society of Natural History z 1863[2][3].

Dalsza literatura

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  • Boston Journal of Natural History v.1 (1834-1837); v.2 (1838-1839); v.4 (1843-1844); v.5 (1845-1847); v.6 (1850-1857); v.7 (1859-1863).


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  1. Illustrations for Vol.1 drawn by B.F. Nutting; C.T. Jackson; James Eights. Lithographs by Pendleton's Lithography; Moore's Lithography, Boston; Jenkins Lithography. Vol.2 drawn by A.A. Gould; Teschemacher; J.Wyman. Lithographs by T. Moore's Lithography, Boston. Vol.3 drawn by Jared P. Kirtland; Nutting. Lithographs by G.F. Storm. Vol.4 drawn by J. P. Kirtland; J.W. Mighels; G.F. Storm; N.M. Hentz; Jeffries Wyman; A.A. Gould. Lithographs by J. Archer; G.F. Storm; Tappan. Vol.5 drawn by W.O. Ayres; N.M. Hentz. Lithographs by E.W. Bouve; Warren; Tappan. Vol.6: drawn by N.M. Hentz; A. Sonrel; J.H. Richard; O.J. Wallis. Lithographs by A. Sonrel, Cambridge; Tappan & Bradford; J. Thomas; T. Sinclair's Lithography, Philadelphia; A. Frey; Metzeroth. Vol.7: drawn by Otto Koehler. Lithographs by Bowen & Co., Philadelphia.
  2. Objects and claims of the Boston Society of Natural History. Printed by J. Wilson and Son, 1861.
  3. Richard I. Johnston. The Rise and Fall of the Boston Society of Natural History. „Northeastern Naturalist”. 11 (1), s. 81–108, 2004.