Geraldine McCaughrean z domu Jones (ur. 6 czerwca 1951 w Londynie) – brytyjska pisarka, autorka powieści: historycznych, science fiction i fantasy, twórczyni literatury dla dzieci, młodzieży i dorosłych.
W 1977 ukończyła studia licencjackie na Canterbury Christ Church College. Otrzymała nagrody literackie: Carnegie Medal, i Guardian Award (obie za powieść A Pack of Lies), UK Reading Association Children's Book Award (za powieść Forever X), Michael L. Printz Award (za powieść The White Darkness), Katholischer Kinder- und Jugendbuchpreis (za powieść A Little Lower Than the Angels), trzykrotnie Whitbread Award (za powieści A Little Lower than the Angels, Gold Dust i Not the End of the World), czterokrotnie Nestlé Smarties Book Prize (za powieści Plundering Paradise, Kite Rider, Stop the Train i Smile!), trzykrotnie American Library Association Best Book for Young Adults Award (za Plundering Paradise, Kite Rider, Stop the Train i The White Darkness) oraz dwukrotnie Blue Peter Book Award (za książki A Pilgrim's Progress i Kite Rider).
Jest mężatką i ma córkę. Mieszka w Berkshire.
- A Little Lower Than the Angels (1987)
- A Pack of Lies (1989)
- seria Brambledown Tales
- Blackberry Bunny (1989)
- Henry Hedgehog's Hat (1989)
- Little Brown Mouse (1989)
- Tiny Chick's Tail (1989)
- Hoppity Hare's Adventures (1989)
- Piggy Goes to Market (1989)
- The Rabbits' New Home (1989)
- seria Geraldine McCaughrean's Adult Novels
- The Maypole (1989)
- Fires' Astonishment (1990)
- Vainglory (1991)
- Lovesong (1996)
- The Ideal Wife (1997)
- Yellow Duckling's Story (1989)
- seria Geraldine McCaughrean's Retellings
- El Cid (1989)
- The Odyssey (1993)
- Moby Dick (1996)
- Gold Dust (1993)
- seria Farmyard
- Baabra Lamb (1994)
- Blue Moo (1994)
- Good Dog (1994)
- Gregorie Peck (1994)
- seria Myths and Legends of the World
- The Golden Hoard (1995)
- The Silver Treasure (1996)
- The Bronze Cauldron (1997)
- The Crystal Pool (1998)
- Wizziwig and the Crazy Cooker (1995)
- Wizziwig and the Wacky Weather Machine (1995)
- Wizziwig and the Singing Car (1995)
- Wizziwig and the Sweet Machine (1995)
- On the Day the World Began (1995)
- Quest of Isis (1995)
- Cowboy Jess (1996)
- Plundering Paradise (1996)
- Cowboy Jess Saddles Up (1996)
- King Arthur (1996)
- Forever X (1997)
- seria Greek Myths
- Theseus and the Minotaur, Orpheus and Eurydice, Apollo and Daphne (1997)
- The Adventures of Odysseus (1998)
- Jason and the Golden Fleece (1997)
- Persephone and the Pomegranite Seeds (1997)
- The Twelve Labours of Heracles (1997)
- Perseus and the Gorgon Medusa (1997)
- Daedalus and Icarus (King Midas) (1997)
- The Wooden Horse (1997)
- Casting the Gods Adrift (1998)
- Too Big! (1999)
- Brave Magic (1999)
- The Stones Are Hatching (1999)
- The Great Chase (2000)
- seria Roman Myths
- City of Dreams (2000)
- Romulus and Remus (2000)
- Burning the Books (2000)
- A Shot in the Dark (2000)
- Stop the Train (2001)
- Pull Out All the Stops! (2010)
- The Kite Rider (2001)
- Six Storey House (2002)
- Gilgamesh the Hero (2002)
- Doctor Quack (2003)
- Showstopper (2003)
- The Jesse Tree (2003)
- Dog Days (2003)
- Jalopy (2003)
- seria Heroes
- Hercules (2003)
- Perseus (2003)
- Theseus (2003)
- Odysseus (2003)
- Smile! (2004)
- Not the End of the World (2004)
- The White Darkness (2005)
- Cyrano (2006)
- Mo (2006)
- Peter Pan in Scarlet (2006; wydanie polskie 2006 Piotruś Pan w czerwieni)
- Tamburlaine's Elephants (2007)
- The Death-defying Pepper Roux (2009)
- The Longest Story in the World (2009)
- seria Monacello
- The Little Monk (2011)
- The Wish-Bringer (2012)
- The Positively Last Performance (2013)
- The Middle of Nowhere (2013)
- Where the World Ends (2017)
- One Thousand And One Arabian Nights (1982)
- The Canterbury Tales (1984)
- The Orchard Book of Stories from the Ballet (1994)
- Stories from Shakespeare (1994)
- The New Windmill Book of Greek Myths (1997)
- The Orchard Book of Greek Gods and Goddesses (1997)
- The Doubleday Book of Princess Stories (1997)
- God's People (1997)
- The Orchard Book of Ballet Stories (1998)
- Orchard Book of Starry Tales (1998)
- Greek Gods and Goddesses (1998)
- God's Kingdom (1998)
- Golden Myths and Legends of the World (1999)
- The Orchard Book of Roman Myths (1999)
- Britannia: 100 Great Stories from British History (1999)
- My First Oxford Book of Stories (2000)
- The Orchard Book of Love and Friendship (2000)
- Daredevils and Desperadoes (2001)
- John Bunyan's a Pilgrim's Progress (2001)
- Knights, Kings and Conquerors (2001)
- Starry Tales (2001)
- 100 World Myths and Legends (2001)
- Roman Myths (2001)
- Rebels and Royals (2001)
- Ghosts, Rogues and Highwaymen (2002)
- Movers, Shakers and Record Breakers (2002)
- The Oxford Treasury of Fairy Tales (2003)
- Treasury Of Fairy Tales (2003)
- Sky Ship: and Other Stories (2004)
- The Questing Knights of the Faerie Queen (2004)
- Greek Heroes (2007)
- Princes and Princesses (wraz z czworgiem innych autorów; 2007)
- Magical Princess Stories (wraz z trojgiem innych autorów; 2009)
- Robin Hood and the Golden Arrow (2011)
- King Arthur And a World of Other Stories (2011)
- George and the Dragon (2011)
- The Orchard Book of Greek Myths (2013)
- Britannia (2014)
- A Wisp of Wisdom (wraz z dziewięciorgiem innych autorów; 2016)
- The Story of Noah and the Ark (1989)
- Saint George and the Dragon (1989)
- The Story of Christmas (1989)
- The Cherry Tree (1991)
- Blue Moon Mountain (1994)
- The Little Angel (1995)
- Unicorns! Unicorns! (1997)
- Hope on a Rope (1998)
- Noah and Nelly (1998)
- Never Let Go (1998)
- Aesop's Fables (1998)
- The Story of the Nativity (1998)
- The Beauty and the Beast (1999)
- Grandma Chickenlegs (1999)
- How the Reindeer Got Their Antlers (2000)
- My Grandmother's Clock (2002)
- Bright Penny (2002)
- Fig's Giant (2005)
- Wenceslas (2005)
- Father and Son (2006)
- The Nativity Story (2007)
- Twelve Dancing Princesses (2011)
- Pittipat's Saucer of Moon (2012)
- The Nutcracker (2012)
- Go! Go! Chichico! (2013)
- Britannia on Stage (2000)
- The Greeks On Stage (2002)
- Doctor Faustus (2006)
- Fetch (2013)
- My First Earth Book (1989)
- My First Space Book (1989)