(1945) "The Aleutian Route of Migration into America." Geographical Review, vol. 35, no. 3, ss. 424–443.
(1945) "Bear Mother." Journal of American Folklore, vol. 59, no. 231, ss. 1–12.
(1945) Ceinture flechée Montréal: Paysana.
(1946) Alouette! Montréal: Lumen.
(1947) Alaska Beckons Toronto: Macmillan.
(1947) L'Arbre des rèves (The Tree of Dreams). Montréal: Thérrien.
(1950; reissued 1990) Totem Poles 2 vols. (Anthropology Series 30, National Museum of Canada Bulletin 119.) Ottawa: National Museum of Canada/Musée national du Canada. Przedruk, Musée canadien des civilisations, Gatineau, Quebec, 1990.
(1952) The Old-World Dragon in America [w:] Indian Tribes of Aboriginal America: Selected Papers of the XXIXth International Congress of Americanists, ed. by Sol Tax, ss. 115–122. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
(1953) Haida Myths Ottawa: National Museum of Canada/Musée national du Canada.
(1954) "Totemic Atmosphere" on the North Pacific Coast [w:] Journal of American Folklore, vol. 67, ss. 103–122.
(1957) Haida Carvers in Argillite Ottawa: National Museum of Canada/Musée national du Canada.
(1957) J'ai vu Québec Québec: Garneau.
(1958) The Golden Phoenix and Other Fairy Tales from Quebec (ed.) Retold by Michael Hornyansky. Toronto: Oxford University Press.
(1958) Medicine-Men on the North Pacific Coast Ottawa: National Museum of Canada/Musée national du Canada.
(1958) Pathfinders in the North Pacific Toronto: Ryerson.
(1958) Roundelays: Dansons à la Ronde (et al.) Ottawa: National Museum of Canada/Musée national du Canada.
(1960) Indian Days on the Western Prairies Ottawa: National Museum of Canada/Musée national du Canada.
(1961) Tsimsyan Myths (Anthropological Series 51, National Museum of Canada Bulletin 174.) Ottawa: Department of Northern Affairs and National Resources.
(1962) Jongleur Songs of Old Quebec Rutgers University Press.