Género de besouro de folha
Colasposoma viridicoeruleum
Classificação científica
Colasposoma Laporte, 1833[1]
Colasposoma senegalense
- Acis Chevrolat, 1836
(nec Billberg, 1820)
- Anwarullahia Abdullah & Qureshi, 1969[5]
- Ballatro Gistel, 1848[6]
- Cheiriphyle Jacoby, 1901[7]
- Chiriphyle (erro ortográfico)
- Dasychlorus Fairmaire, 1898
- Palesida Harold, 1874[8]
- Pseudomacetes Linell, 1895
- Thysbe Dejean, 1836
- Thysbe J. Thomson, 1858[9]
Colasposoma é um género de escaravelho de folhas na subfamília Eumolpinae.[10][11][12] Encontra-se na África, Ásia e Austrália.
C. sellatum, C. auripenne (Agora conhecido como C. viridicoeruleum) E Colasposoma C. dauricum É conhecido como pragas de batata.[13]
Subgenus Colasposoma Laporte, 1833
- Colasposoma abdominale Baly, 1864[14]
- Colasposoma acaciae Bryant, 1944[15]
- Colasposoma aemulum Lefèvre, 1886
- Colasposoma aeneicolor Pic, 1939[16]
- Colasposoma aeneoviolaceum Rebrota, 1941[17]
- Colasposoma akaensis Selman, 1972[18]
- Colasposoma alutaceum Jacoby, 1900[19]
- Colasposoma amplicolle Lefèvre, 1877[20]
- Colasposoma angolense Pic, 1939[16]
- Colasposoma antennale Jacoby, 1881[21]
- Colasposoma apicale Jacoby, 1881[21]
- Colasposoma apicipenne Bronceado, 1983
- Colasposoma ardens Harold, 1879
- Colasposoma aruwimiense Gahan, 1892
- Colasposoma atrocyaneum Zoia, 2012[22]
- Colasposoma aurichalcicum (J.Thomson , 1858)[9]
- Colasposoma auripes Jacoby, 1894[23]
- Colasposoma austerum Zoia, 2012[22]
- Colasposoma balyi Jacoby, 1904[24]
- Colasposoma basicostatum Weise, 1919
- Colasposoma bedeli Achard, 1923
- Colasposoma beiraense Jacoby, 1904[24]
- Colasposoma benguelanum Achard, 1924
- Colasposoma benningseni Weise, 1902[25]
- Colasposoma birmanicum Medvedev, 2007[26]
- Colasposoma blandum Weise, 1904[27]
- Colasposoma bonvouloiri Lefèvre, 1877[20]
- Colasposoma bottegoi Jacoby, 1899
- Colasposoma brevepilosum Zoia, 2012[22]
- Colasposoma camerunense Jacoby, 1903
- Colasposoma chailluensis Selman, 1970[28]
- Colasposoma chapuisi (Harold, 1874)[8]
- Colasposoma chloris Lefèvre, 1877[20]
- Colasposoma coffeae Kolbe, 1911
- Colasposoma collare Achard, 1923
- Colasposoma collare Zoia, 2020[29] (homonímo de anterior)
- Colasposoma colmanti Rebrota, 1941[17]
- Colasposoma compactum Gerstaecker, 1871
- Colasposoma concinnum Weise, 1905
- Colasposoma conradi Jacoby, 1900[19]
- Colasposoma consimile Gahan, 1909
- Colasposoma costatum Harold, 1877
- Colasposoma crampeli Pic, 1941
- Colasposoma crenulatum Gerstaecker, 1855
- Colasposoma curtepilosum Pic, 1942
- Colasposoma curvipes Jacoby, 1901[7]
- Colasposoma cyaneicorne Pic, 1932
- Colasposoma cyaneocupreum Fairmaire, 1887
- Colasposoma dahomeyanum Aslam, 1968[31]
- Colasposoma dauricum (Mannerheim, 1849)[32]
- Colasposoma davidi Lefèvre, 1887
- Colasposoma densatum Fairmaire, 1887
- Colasposoma dentaticolle Pic, 1953
- Colasposoma distinctum Baly, 1867[33]
- Colasposoma diversipenne Pic, 1939[16]
- Colasposoma downesii Baly, 1862
- Colasposoma ertli Weise, 1905
- Colasposoma erythreanum Pic, 1939
- Colasposoma fairmairei Lefèvre, 1877[20]
- Colasposoma favareli Pic, 1938
- Colasposoma flavipes Harold, 1877
- Colasposoma flavolimbatum (Pic, 1905)
- Colasposoma fulgidipenne Achard, 1923
- Colasposoma fulgidum Lefèvre, 1877[20]
- Colasposoma fulvipes Lefèvre, 1877[20]
- Colasposoma gabonense Jacoby, 1894[23]
- Colasposoma geminatum Weise, 1922[34]
- Colasposoma geniculatum Weise, 1905
- Colasposoma gibbicolle Jacoby, 1881[21]
- Colasposoma gloriosum Weise, 1902[25]
- Colasposoma gregarium Lefèvre, 1886
- Colasposoma haefligeri Weise, 1906[35]
- Colasposoma hajeki Zoia, 2012[22]
- Colasposoma hirsutum Rebrota, 1941[17]
- Colasposoma holasi Pic, 1953
- Colasposoma homolamprum Fairmaire, 1902
- Colasposoma instabile Harold, 1877
- Colasposoma iturianum Weise, 1912
- Colasposoma jacksoni Bryant, 1957[36]
- Colasposoma jucundum Lefèvre, 1877[20]
- Colasposoma keyense Pic, 1943
- Colasposoma kindaense Rebrota, 1941[17]
- Colasposoma langeri Zoia, 2020[29]
- Colasposoma laticolle Jacoby, 1900
- Colasposoma laticorne (J.Thomson , 1858)[9]
- Colasposoma lividipes Jacoby, 1903
- Colasposoma longipes Jacoby, 1881[21]
- Colasposoma lucubense Brancsik, 1893
- Colasposoma luluense Rebrota, 1941[17]
- Colasposoma macrocnemis Rebrota, 1941[17]
- Colasposoma madagassum Harold, 1877
- Colasposoma madoni Pic, 1942
- Colasposoma magnificum Bryant, 1957[36]
- Colasposoma marshalli Jacoby, 1898[37]
- Colasposoma mauricei Medvedev, 2003[38]
- Colasposoma Léon Fairmaire, 1902
- Colasposoma melancholicum Jacoby, 1881[21]
- Colasposoma metallicum Clark, 1865[39]
- Colasposoma micheli Pic, 1952[40]
- Colasposoma mirabile Jacoby, 1904[24]
- Colasposoma monardi Pic, 1939[16]
- Colasposoma monticola Weise, 1909[41]
- Colasposoma neavei Bryant, 1957[36]
- Colasposoma nepalense Kimoto, 2001[42]
- Colasposoma nigriventre Baly, 1867[33]
- Colasposoma nitens Weise, 1919
- Colasposoma obscurum Jacoby, 1900[19]
- Colasposoma ornatum Jacoby, 1881[21]
- Colasposoma ovatum Achard, 1923
- Colasposoma overlaeti Rebrota, 1941[17]
- Colasposoma ovulum Lefèvre, 1885[43]
- Colasposoma parvicolle Rebrota, 1941[17]
- Colasposoma parvulum Lefèvre, 1890[44]
- Colasposoma perlatum Harold, 1880
- Colasposoma perrieri Jacoby, 1904[24]
- Colasposoma piceitarse Jacoby, 1904[24]
- Colasposoma pilosum Lefèvre, 1885[43]
- Colasposoma plumbeum Jacoby, 1898[37]
- Colasposoma posticum Weise, 1905
- Colasposoma pradieri Lefèvre, 1877[20]
- Colasposoma prasinum Clavareau, 1909
- Colasposoma pretiosum Baly, 1860
- Colasposoma propinquum Baly, 1867[33]
- Colasposoma pubescens Lefèvre, 1877[20]
- Colasposoma pubipenne Jacoby, 1898[37]
- Colasposoma purcharti Zoia, 2012[22]
- Colasposoma purpuratum Motschulsky, 1860
- Colasposoma purpureicolor Pic, 1939[16]
- Colasposoma purpureipenne Pic, 1941
- Colasposoma purpureocinctum Pic, 1942
- Colasposoma pusillum Jacoby, 1904[24]
- Colasposoma pustuliferum Pic, 1939[16]
- Colasposoma quadrimaculatum Weise, 1919
- Colasposoma reygnaulti Pic, 1942
- Colasposoma robustum Jacoby, 1881[21]
- Colasposoma ruficolle Bryant, 1957[36]
- Colasposoma rufimembris Pic, 1942
- Colasposoma rufipes (Fabricius, 1793) (?)
- Colasposoma rugatum Achard, 1923
- Colasposoma rugulosum Baly, 1867[33]
- Colasposoma rutilans (Klug, 1833)[45]
- Colasposoma sansibaricum Harold, 1879
- Colasposoma scapulatum Fairmaire, 1903
- Colasposoma scutellare Lefèvre, 1877[20]
- Colasposoma sellatum Baly, 1878[2]
- Colasposoma semiasperum Fairmaire, 1902
- Colasposoma semicostatum Jacoby, 1908[13]
- Colasposoma semihirsutum Jacoby, 1898[37]
- Colasposoma semipurpureum Jacoby, 1901
- Colasposoma senegalense Laporte, 1833[1]
- Colasposoma senegalense (Klug, 1835)[46] (homonym de anterior)
- Colasposoma separatum Lefèvre, 1877[20]
- Colasposoma sheppardi Jacoby, 1904[24]
- Colasposoma splendidum (Fabricius, 1792)
- Colasposoma subaureum Jacoby, 1900[19]
- Colasposoma subcostatum Gerstaecker, 1871
- Colasposoma sublaeve Fairmaire, 1903
- Colasposoma subnigrum Pic, 1939[16]
- Colasposoma subopacum Weise, 1919
- Colasposoma subpurpureum Pic, 1942
- Colasposoma subsericum Harold, 1879
- Colasposoma sumptuosum Weise, 1906[35]
- Colasposoma suturale Zoia, 2020[29]
- Colasposoma tarsale Jacoby, 1881[21]
- Colasposoma tenenbaumi Pic, 1943
- Colasposoma tibiale Baly, 1878[47]
- Colasposoma tinantae Rebrota, 1941[17]
- Colasposoma tokeri Bryant, 1957[36]
- Colasposoma transvalense Jacoby, 1897[48]
- Colasposoma transversicolle Jacoby, 1889
- Colasposoma tumidulum Weise, 1904[27]
- Colasposoma unicostatum Zoia, 2012[22]
- Colasposoma varendorffi Weise, 1914
- Colasposoma variabile Jacoby, 1881[21]
- Colasposoma varicolor Fairmaire, 1887
- Colasposoma vedyi Rebrota, 1941[17]
- Colasposoma velutinum Lefèvre, 1885[43]
- Colasposoma versicolor Lefèvre, 1887
- Colasposoma vestitum J.Thomson , 1858[9]
- Colasposoma vicinale Bronceado, 1983
- Colasposoma villosulum Lefèvre, 1885
- Colasposoma viridicoeruleum Motschulsky, 1860
- Colasposoma viridicolle Fairmaire, 1887
- Colasposoma viridifasciatum Motschulsky, 1860
- Colasposoma viridivittatum Baly, 1865[49]
- Colasposoma williamsi Bryant, 1957[36]
- Colasposoma wittei Rebrota, 1941[17]
- Colasposoma yunnanum Fairmaire, 1888
- Colasposoma zavattarii Pic, 1938
Subgenus Falsonerissus Pic, 1951 (sinónimos: Iranomolpus Lopatin, 1979; Andosiomorpha Lopatin, 1981; Bezdekia Warchałowski, 2005[50])[22]
- Colasposoma aeneoviride Clark, 1865:[39] sinónimo de Colaspoides cuprea Baly, 1867[52]
- Colasposoma albopilosum Pic, 1943: sinónimo de Colasposoma villosulum Lefèvre, 1885
- Colasposoma andrewesi Jacoby, 1895:[53] sinónimo de Colasposoma downesii asperatum Lefèvre, 1885
- Colasposoma arcuateimpressum Pic, 1943: sinónimo de Colasposoma robustum Jacoby, 1881
- Colasposoma asperatum Fairmaire, 1902 (não C. downesii asperatum Lefèvre, 1885): rebaptizado a Colasposoma perrieri Jacoby, 1904[24]
- Colasposoma auripenne Motschulsky, 1860: sinónimo de Colasposoma viridicoeruleum Motschulsky, 1860
- Colasposoma picoloratum Jacoby, 1908:[13] sinónimo de Colasposoma robustum Jacoby, 1881
- Colasposoma bonnevili Pic, 1943: sinónimo de Colasposoma pretiosum Baly, 1860
- Colasposoma castetsi Pic, 1943: sinónimo de Colasposoma semicostatum Jacoby, 1908
- Colasposoma coimbatorense Pic, 1943: sinónimo de Colasposoma robustum Jacoby, 1881
- Colasposoma coromandeliana Jacoby, 1908:[13] sinónimo de Colasposoma robustum Jacoby, 1881
- Colasposoma cumingi Baly, 1867:[33] sinónimo de Colasposoma viridifasciatum Motschulsky, 1860
- Colasposoma cyaneicollis Pic, 1943: sinónimo de Colasposoma robustum Jacoby, 1881
- Colasposoma cyaneovittatum Pic, 1943: sinónimo de Colasposoma ornatum Jacoby, 1881
- Colasposoma gregarium Lefèvre, 1886: sinónimo de Colasposoma viridifasciatum Motschulsky, 1860
- Colasposoma madoni Pic, 1943 (não C. madoni Pic, 1942): rebaptizado a Colasposoma mauricei Medvedev, 2003
- Colasposoma mutabile Baly, 1867:[33] sinónimo de Colasposoma viridicoeruleum Motschulsky, 1860
- Colasposoma nathani Pic, 1943: sinónimo de Colasposoma robustum Jacoby, 1881
- Colasposoma nitidum Baly, 1867:[33] sinónimo de Colasposoma distinctum Baly, 1867
- Colasposoma prosternale Jacoby, 1908: sinónimo de Colasposoma downesii asperatum Lefèvre, 1885
- Colasposoma ramnadense Pic, 1943: sinónimo de Colasposoma semicostatum Jacoby, 1908
- Colasposoma ruficorne Pic, 1943: sinónimo de Colasposoma lividipes Jacoby, 1903
- Colasposoma rufipenne Pic, 1943: sinónimo de Colasposoma pretiosum Baly, 1860
- Colasposoma rufofemorale Pic, 1943: sinónimo de Colasposoma lividipes Jacoby, 1903
- Colasposoma rufum (Pic, 1941): movido a Lefevrea[54]
- Colasposoma rugiceps Lefèvre, 1885:[43] sinónimo de Colasposoma distinctum Baly, 1867
- Colasposoma rugipennis Motschulsky, 1860: movido a Colaspoides[51]
- Colasposoma serratulum Lefèvre, 1885:[43] sinónimo de Colasposoma downesii asperatum Lefèvre, 1885
- Colasposoma sparsepunctatum Pic, 1943: sinónimo de Colasposoma robustum Jacoby, 1881
- Colasposoma viridicinctum Pic, 1943: sinónimo de Colasposoma versicolor Lefèvre, 1887
- Colasposoma viridigeniculatum Pic, 1943: sinónimo de Colasposoma lividipes Jacoby, 1903
- ↑ a b Laporte, F. L. N. de Caumont (1833). «Mémoire sur les divisions du genre Colaspis». Revue Entomologique. 1: 18–25
- ↑ a b Reid, C.A.M.; Storey, R.I. (1993). «Redescription of adult and larva of Colasposoma sellatum Baly (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Eumolpinae): a pest of sweet potato in Australia». Journal of Natural History. 27 (3): 669–681. doi:10.1080/00222939300770391
- ↑ Moseyko, A. G.; Sprecher-Uebersax, E. (2010). «New nomenclatural and taxonomic acts, and comments. Chrysomelidae: Eumolpinae». In: Löbl, I.; Smetana, A. Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera. Volume 6. Chrysomeloidea. Stenstrup, Denmark: Apollo Books. pp. 80–83. ISBN 978-87-88757-84-2
- ↑ Selman, B. J. (1965). «A revision of the Nodini and a key to the genera of Eumolpidae of Africa (Coleoptera: Eumolpidae)» (PDF). Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Entomology. 16 (3): 141–174. doi:10.5962/bhl.part.21864
- ↑ Abdullah, M.; Qureshi, S. S. (1969). «A key to the Pakistani genera and species of the Chrysomelinae and Halticinae (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), with description of new genera and species including the economic importance». Pakistan Journal of Science and Industrial Research. 12: 105–120
- ↑ Bezděk, J. (2020). «Review of the genus-level names proposed by Johannes Gistel in Chrysomelidae (Coleoptera)». Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae. 60 (1): 173–188. doi:10.37520/aemnp.2020.011
- ↑ a b Jacoby, M. (1901). «A further contribution to our knowledge of African Phytophagous Coleoptera.». Transactions of the Entomological Society of London. 49 (3): 209–256. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2311.1901.tb02386.x
- ↑ a b Harold, E. von (1874). «Palesida, neue Eumolpiden‐Gattung». Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift. 18 (1–2): 23–24. doi:10.1002/mmnd.18740180105
- ↑ a b c d Thomson, J. (1858). «Insectes. I. Ordre Coléoptères». Voyage au Gabon. Histoire naturelle des Insectes et des Arachnides recueillis pendant un voyage fait au Gabon. Archives Entomologiques. 2. Paris: [s.n.] pp. 29–239
- ↑ «Colasposoma». African Eumolpinae site. Consultado em 12 de abril de 2018
- ↑ «Falsonerissus». African Eumolpinae site. Consultado em 12 de abril de 2018
- ↑ Mohamedsaid, M. S. (2004). Catalogue of the Malaysian Chrysomelidae (Insecta: Coleoptera). Col: Pensoft Series Faunistica. 36. Sofia: Pensoft Publishers. pp. 1–239. ISBN 9546422010. ISSN 1312-0174
- ↑ a b c d Jacoby, M. (1908). Bingham, C. T., ed. Coleoptera. Chrysomelidae. Vol. 1. Col: The Fauna of British India, Including Ceylon and Burma. London: Taylor & Francis
- ↑ Baly, J. S. (1864). Descriptions of new genera and species of Phytophaga. Stationer's Hall: J.S. Baly
- ↑ Bryant, G. E. (1944). «New species of African Chrysomelidæ (Coleoptera)». Annals and Magazine of Natural History. 11. 11 (77): 335–340. doi:10.1080/00222934408527437
- ↑ a b c d e f g Pic, M. (1939). «Coléoptères Phytophages d'Angola». Revue Suisse de Zoologie. 46 (4): 115–142
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- ↑ Selman, B. J. (1972). «Eumolpinae (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)». Exploration Parc National de la Garamba. Mission H. De Saeger. 55: 1–95
- ↑ a b c d Jacoby, M. (1900). «On new genera and species of Phytophagous Coleoptera from South and Central Africa». Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. 1900: 203–266
- ↑ a b c d e f g h i j k Lefèvre, E. (1877). «Descriptions de Coléoptères nouveaux ou peu connus de la Famille des Eumolpides (2e partie)». Annales de la Société Entomologique de France. 5. 7: 309–326
- ↑ a b c d e f g h i Jacoby, M. (1881). «Descriptions of new genera and species of phytophagous Coleoptera». Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. 1881 (2): 439–450. doi:10.1111/j.1096-3642.1881.tb01300.x
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- ↑ a b c Jacoby, M. (1894). «Descriptions of new genera and species of Phytophagous Coleoptera from Africa and Madagascar». Novitates Zoologicae. 1: 508–534
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- ↑ a b Weise, J. (1902). «Afrikanische Chrysomeliden». Archiv für Naturgeschichte. 68 (1): 119–174
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- ↑ a b Weise, J. (1904). «Chrysomeliden und Coccinelliden aus Afrika». Archiv für Naturgeschichte. 70 (1): 35–62
- ↑ Selman, B. J. (1970). «Mission A. Villiers et A. Descarpentries. Contribution à la faune du Congo (Brazzaville). XCV. Coléoptères Chrysomelidae Eumolpinae». Bulletin de l'Institut fondamental d'Afrique noire. Série A. 32 (1): 251–261
- ↑ a b c Zoia, S. (2020). «New data on the Eumolpinae from Malawi with description of five new species» (PDF). Spixiana. 43 (1): 63–79
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- ↑ Aslam, N. A. (1968). «Nomenclatorial notes on Chrysomeloidea (Coleoptera)». Journal of Natural History. 2 (1): 127–129. doi:10.1080/00222936800770691
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- ↑ a b c d Jacoby, M. (1898). «Additions to the knowledge of the Phytophagous Coleoptera of Africa. Part I». Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. 1898: 212–242
- ↑ a b Medvedev, L. N. (2003). «A contribution to knowledge of the genus Colasposoma Laporte, 1833 Chrysomelidae, Eumolpinae». Entomologica Basiliensia. 25: 293–305
- ↑ a b Clark, H. (1865). «Descriptions of species of Phytophaga received from Pulo Penang or its neighbourhood». Annals and Magazine of Natural History. 3. 15 (86): 139–148. doi:10.1080/00222936508681774
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- ↑ Lefèvre, E. (1889). «Description of new species of South African Eumolpidae». Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society. 6 (1): 39–43. doi:10.1080/21560382.1889.9526253
- ↑ Bechyné, J. (1964). «Notizen zu den madagassischen Chrysomeloidea (Col. Phytophaga)» (PDF). Mitteilungen der Münchner Entomologischen Gesellschaft. 54: 68–161
- ↑ Klug, J. C. F. (1835). «Insekten». In: Erman, A. Reise um die Erde durch Nord-Asien und die beiden Oceane in den Jahren 1828, 1829 und 1830. Verzeichnis von Thieren und Pfalnzen, welche auf einer Reise um die Erde gesammelt wurden von Adolph Erman. Berlin: G. Reimer. pp. 27–52
- ↑ Baly, J. S. (1878). «Diagnosis of a new genus and some undescribed species of African Phytophaga». The Entomologist's Monthly Magazine. 14: 177–179. doi:10.5962/bhl.part.22827
- ↑ Jacoby, M. (1897). «Further contributions to the knowledge of the phytophagous Coleoptera of Africa, including Madagascar, Part II». Journal of Zoology. 65 (3): 527–577. doi:10.1111/j.1096-3642.1897.tb03108.x
- ↑ Baly, J. S. (1864). «Descriptions of New Genera and Species of Phytophaga». Transactions of the Entomological Society of London. 12 (5): 427–440. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2311.1864.tb00115.x
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- ↑ a b Medvedev, L. N. (2007). «To the knowledge of Chrysomelidae (Coleoptera) described by V. Motschulsky» (PDF). Russian Entomological Journal. 15 (4): 409–417
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- ↑ Jacoby, M. (1895). «Descriptions of the new species of Phytophagous Coleoptera obtained by Mr Andrewes in India». Annales de la Société entomologique de Belgique. 39: 252–288
- ↑ Zoia, S. (2019). «Nomenclature changes in African Eumolpinae with reference to type specimens preserved in the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)». Annales de la Société Entomologique de France. Nouvelle Série. 55 (1): 61–86. doi:10.1080/00379271.2018.1556119