Brasão de armas da Companhia do Levante A Companhia do Levante (em inglês: Levant Company) foi uma empresa inglesa fundada em 1592. Elizabeth I da Inglaterra aprovou sua carta inicial em 11 de setembro de 1592, quando a Companhia de Veneza (1583) e a Companhia Turca (1581) se fundiram, porque suas licenças haviam expirado, pois ela estava ansiosa manter alianças comerciais e políticas com o Império Otomano .[ 1] Seu alvará inicial era válido por sete anos e foi concedido a Edward Osborne, Richard Staper, Thomas Smith e William Garrard com o objetivo de regular o comércio inglês com o Império Otomano e o Levante . A empresa permaneceu em existência contínua até ser substituída em 1825. Um membro da empresa era conhecido como um comerciante da Turquia .[ 2] [ 3]
1581–1592 Sir Edward Osborne (nomeado na primeira e segunda cartas)
1592–1592 Ricardo Staper
1600–1600 Sir Thomas Smith (nomeado na terceira carta)
1605–1623 Sir Thomas Lowe (nomeado na quarta carta)
1623–1634 Sir Hugh Hammersley
1634–1643 Sir Henry Garraway
1643–1653 Isaac Penington
1654–1672 Sir Andrew Riccard
1672–1673 John Jolliffe
1673–1695 O Conde de Berkeley
1696–1709 Sir William Trumbull
1710–1718 O Senhor Onslow
1718–1735 O Conde de Carnavon
1736–1766 O Conde De La Warr
1766–1772 O Conde de Shaftsbury
1772–1776 O Conde de Radnor
1776–1792 O Conde de Guilford
1792–1799 Duque de Leeds
1799–1821 O Senhor Grenville
O governo britânico assumiu a Companhia em 1821 até sua dissolução em 1825.
1582–1588William Harbourne
1588–1597 Edward Barton
1597–1607 Henrique Lello
1606–1611 Sir Thomas Glover
1611–1620 Paulo Pindar
1619–1621 Sir John Eyre (ou Ayres)
1621–1622 John Chapman (agente)
1621–1628 Sir Thomas Roe
1627–1638 Sir Peter Wyche
1633–1647 Sir Sackville Crowe
1647–1661 Sir Thomas Bendysh
Richard Salway (nunca enviado)
Richard Lawrence (somente agente)
1668–1672 Heneage Finch, Conde de Winchilsea
1668–1672 Sir Daniel Harvey
1672–1681 Sir John Finch
1680–1687 James, Lorde Chandos
1684–1686 Sir William Soames
1686–1691 Sir William Trumbull
1690–1691 Sir William Hussey
Thomas Coke (apenas encarregado de negócios )
1691–1692William Harbord
1692–1702 Guilherme, Lorde Paget
Sir James Rushout, 1º Baronete (apenas indicado)
George Berkeley , 1º Conde de Berkeley (apenas indicado)
1700–1717 Sir Robert Sutton
1716–1718 Edward Wortley-Montagu
1717–1730 Abraham Stanyan
1729–1736 George Hay, 8º Conde de Kinnoull
1735–1746 Sir Everard Fawkener
Stanhope Aspinwall (somente encarregado de negócios)
1746–1762 James Porter
1761–1765 Henry Grenville
William Kinloch (encarregado de negócios apenas)
1765–1775 John Murray
Anthony Hayes (apenas Encarregado de Negócios)
1775–1794 Sir Robert Ainslie
1794-1795 Robert Liston
Spencer Smith (Encarregado de Negócios)
Francis James Jackson (nunca assumiu o cargo)
1799–1803 Thomas Bruce, 7.º Conde de Elgin
Alexander Straton (Encarregado de Negócios)
1803–1804William Drummond
1804–1807 Charles Arbuthnot
1809–1810 Robert Adair
1810–1812 Stratford Canning Ministro Plenipotenciário
1812–1820 Robert Liston
1820–1824 Percy Clinton, 6º Visconde Strangford .
1611–1624William Markham
1624–1630 William Salter
1630–1633 Lawrence Green
1633–1634James Higgins
1634–1635 John Freeman
1635–1638 Eduardo Bernard
1638–1643 Edward Stringer
1644–1649 John Wilde
1649–1657 Spencer Bretton
1659–1660 William Prideaux
1660–1661 Ricardo Baker
1661–1667 William Cave
1667–1677 Paul Rycaut
1677–1703William Raye
1703–1716 William Sherrard
1716–1722 John Cooke
1722–1723 George Boddington
1733–1741 Francis Williams
1741–1742 Thomas Carleton
1742–1762 Samuel Crawley
1762–1794 Anthony Hayes
1794–1825 Francis Werry
1580–1586 William Barrett
1586–1586 James Toverson
1586–1586 John Eldred
1592–1594 Michael Locke
1596 George Dorrington (interino vice-cônsul)
1596–1596 Thomas Sandys
1596–1597 Ralph Fitch
1597–1597 Richard Colthurst
1606 James Hawarde (vice-cônsul interino)
1606–1610 Paulo Pindar
1610–1616 Bartolomeu Haggatt
1616–1621 Libby Chapman
1621–1627 Edward Kirkham
1627–1630 Thomas Potton
1630–1638 John Wandesford
1638–1649 Eduardo Bernard
1649–1659 Henry Riley
1659–1672 Benjamin Lannoy
1672–1686 Gamaliel Nightingale
1686–1689 Thomas Metcalfe
1689–1701 Henry Hastings
1701–1706 George Brandon
1707–1715William Pilkington
1716–1726 John Purnell
1727–1740 Nevil Coke
1740–1745 Nathaniel Micklethwait
1745–1751 Artur Pollard
1751–1758 Alexandre Drummond
1758–1758 Francis Browne
1759–1766William Kinloch
1766–1768 Henry Preston
1768–1770William Clark
1770–1772 Charles Smith (pró-cônsul)
1770–1783 John Abbott
1783–1784 David Hays (pró-cônsul)
1784–1786 Charles Smith (pró-cônsul)
1786–1791 Michael de Vezin (pró-cônsul)
fábrica fechada 1791-1803
1803–1825 John Barker
Calendar of State Papers, Venetian 1581–1591
Calendar of State Papers, Domestic 1547–1580
Bent, J. T. (1890). «The English in The Levant Company». English Historical Review . 5
Epstein, M. (1908). The Early History of the Levant Company . London; New York: George Routledge & Sons; Dutton Covers the years of the periodic charterers, 1581–1605 and the permanent charter to 1640.
Eysturlid, Lee W. (1993). «Where Everything is Weighed in the Scales of Material Interest: Anglo-Turkish Trade, Picary, and Diplomacy in the Mediterranean during the Jacobean Period». Journal of European Economic History . 22 (3)
Lans-Poole, S. (1833). The Life of Stratford Canning . 2 vols. London: [s.n.]
Mather, James (2009). Pashas: Traders and Travellers in the Islamic World . [S.l.]: Yale University Press. ISBN 9780300170917
Rosedale, H.G. (1904). Queen Elizabeth and The Levant Company . London: Henry Frowde
Paget, Sir Arthur (1896). Diplomatic Correspondence and Other Correspondence . 2 vols. London: [s.n.]
Wood, Alfred C. (1935). A History of the Levant Company . Oxford: Oxford University Press