Eric Roberts Laithwaite (Atherton, 14 de junho de 1921 – 27 de novembro de 1997) foi um engenheiro eletricista inglês, conhecido como o "pai do Maglev" por seu desenvolvimento do Maglev.
- A Radiation Theory of the Assembling of Moths The Entomologist, June–July 1960, vol.93(1166–1167), pp. 113–117, 133–137 +plate(III)
- Eric Laithwaite, "Linear motors for high-speed vehicles", New Scientist, 28 June 1973, p. 802-805
- "Eric Laithwaite defies Newton", New Scientist, 14 November 1974, p470
- The multiplication of bananas by umbrellas Electrical Review, 20–27 December 1974, pp. 822–824
- The bigger they are, the harder they fall Electrical Review, 14 February 1975, pp. 40–42
- 1975 – A space odyssey Electrical Review, 28 March – 4 April 1975, pp. 398–400
- Roll Isaac, roll – Part I Electrical Review, Vol. 204, No. 7, 16 February 1979, pp. 38–41
- Roll Isaac, roll – Part II Electrical Review, Vol. 204, No. 11, 16 March 1979, pp. 31–33
- Give us a sign Electrical Review, Vol. 207, No. 3, 18 July 1980, pp. 40–42
- "Gaze in wonder: an engineer looks at biology", (1988), Speculations in Science and Technology, vol.11(4), 341–345.
- The influence of Michael Faraday on power engineering. Power engineering journal, Vol.5, No. 5, September 1991, pp. 209–219
- Propulsion without wheels (1965)
- Induction machines for special purposes (1966)
- The engineer in wonderland (1967) — The Royal Institution of Great Britain Christmas lectures, 1966/67. With illustrations, including a portrait.
- The linear motor and its application to tracked hovercraft (1971)
- Linear electric motors (1971) Mills & Boon Monographs and Technical Library
- Experiments with a linear induction motor (1971)
- Exciting electrical machines (1974)
- All things are possible: an engineer looks at research and development (1976)
- Transport without wheels ed. (1977)
- How to invent (1977) co-written by Meredith Thring
- Why does a glow-worm glow? (1977) illustrated by Mike Jackson
- Electric energy: its generation, transmission and use (1980) co-written by L.L. Freris
- Engineer through the looking glass (1980)— a revised and expanded version of his Royal Institution of Great Britain Christmas lectures, 1974/75. With illustrations, including a portrait.
- Invitation to engineering (1984)
- Shape is important (1986)
- Force: a basic ingredient (1986)
- A history of linear electric motors (1986)
- Using materials (1987)
- Size is vital (1987)
- An inventor in the Garden of Eden (1994)