Eric Laithwaite

Eric Laithwaite
Nascimento 14 de junho de 1921
Atherton, Manchester
Morte 27 de novembro de 1997 (76 anos)

Eric Roberts Laithwaite (Atherton, 14 de junho de 192127 de novembro de 1997) foi um engenheiro eletricista inglês, conhecido como o "pai do Maglev" por seu desenvolvimento do Maglev.


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  • Propulsion without wheels (1965)
  • Induction machines for special purposes (1966)
  • The engineer in wonderland (1967) — The Royal Institution of Great Britain Christmas lectures, 1966/67. With illustrations, including a portrait.
  • The linear motor and its application to tracked hovercraft (1971)
  • Linear electric motors (1971) Mills & Boon Monographs and Technical Library
  • Experiments with a linear induction motor (1971)
  • Exciting electrical machines (1974)
  • All things are possible: an engineer looks at research and development (1976)
  • Transport without wheels ed. (1977)
  • How to invent (1977) co-written by Meredith Thring
  • Why does a glow-worm glow? (1977) illustrated by Mike Jackson
  • Electric energy: its generation, transmission and use (1980) co-written by L.L. Freris
  • Engineer through the looking glass (1980)— a revised and expanded version of his Royal Institution of Great Britain Christmas lectures, 1974/75. With illustrations, including a portrait.
  • Invitation to engineering (1984)
  • Shape is important (1986)
  • Force: a basic ingredient (1986)
  • A history of linear electric motors (1986)
  • Using materials (1987)
  • Size is vital (1987)
  • An inventor in the Garden of Eden (1994)


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