Jerry Donohue

Jerry Donohue
Nascimento 12 de junho de 1920
Morte 13 de fevereiro de 1985 (64 anos)
Nacionalidade estadunidense
Campo(s) química

Jerry Donohue (12 de junho de 192013 de fevereiro de 1985) foi um químico estadunidense.

É conhecido por ter transmitido informações cruciais a James Watson e Francis Crick, que os levaram ao encontro da estrutura correta do DNA.

Publicações selecionadas

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  • J. Donohue. Radial Distribution Functions of Some Structures of the Polypeptide Chain. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 40(6), 377–381 (1954)
  • J. Donohue and K. Trueblood. The crystal structure of p-nitroaniline. Acta Cryst., 9, 960-965 (1956)
  • J. Donohue, A. Caron, and E. Goldish. Crystal Structure of Rhombohedral Sulphur. Nature, 182, 518 (1958)
  • J. Donohue. Crystal Structure of Helium Isotopes. Phys. Rev., 114, 1009 (1959)
  • J. Donohue. A refinement of the positional parameter in α-nitrogen. Acta Cryst., 14, 1000 (1961)
  • F.L. Tucker, J.F. Walper, M.D. Appleman, and J. Donohue. Complete Reduction of Tellurite to Pure Tellurium Metal by Microorganisms. J. Bacteriol., 83(6), 1313–1314 (1962)
  • B.D. Sharma and J. Donohue. The Crystal and Molecular Structure of Sulfur Nitride, S4N4. Acta Cryst., 16, 891 (1963)
  • J. Donohue, B.D. Sharma and R.E. Marsh. Conformations and hydrogen bonding in codeine and morphine salts. Acta Cryst., 17, 249-253 (1964)
  • H.L. Carrell and J. Donohue. Three Different Isomers in the Same Crystal. Nature, 210, 1149 (1966)
  • F.L. Tucker, J.W. Thomas, M.D. Appleman, S.H. Goodman, and J. Donohue. X-Ray Diffraction Studies on Metal Deposition in Group D Streptococci. J. Bacteriol., 92(5), 1311–1314 (1966)
  • J. Donohue, and S.H. Goodman. The Crystal Structure of Adamantane: An Example of a False Minimum in Least Squares. Acta Cryst., 22, 352 (1967)
  • H.L. Carrell and J. Donohue. The Crystal and Molecular Structure of Tetramethylbiphosphine-Bis(monoborane). Acta Cryst., B24, 699-707 (1968)
  • G.J. Palenik, J. Donohue and K.N. Trueblood. The crystal and molecular structure of 3-nitroperchlorylbenzene. Acta Cryst., B24, 1139-1146 (1968)
  • J. Donohue, Structure of "Polywater". Science, 166(3908), 1000-1002 (1969)
  • A. Caron and J. Donohue. Redetermination of thermal motion and interatomic distances in urea. Acta Cryst., B25, 404 (1969)
  • R. Boggs and J. Donohue. The unit cell and space group of L-tyrosine. Acta Cryst., B27, 247 (1971)
  • N. Mandel and J. Donohue. The Molecular and Crystal Structure of Trifluoromethylarsenie Tetramer (AsCF3)4. Acta Cryst., B27, 476-480 (1971)
  • J.P. Chesick and J. Donohue. The molecular and crystal structure of 2-mercaptobenzothiazole. Acta Cryst., B27, 1441-1444 (1971)
  • J. Donohue and H. Einspahr. The structure of β-uranium. Acta Cryst., B27, 1740-1743 (1971)
  • N. Mandel and J. Donohue. The refinement of the crystal structure of skutterudite, CoAs3. Acta Cryst., B27, 2288-2289 (1971)
  • G. Mandel and J. Donohue. The refinement of the structure of hexabromoethane. Acta Cryst., B28, 1313-1316 (1972)
  • H.L. Carrell and J. Donohue. The Crystal and Molecular Structure of Dodecamethylcyclohexasilane. Acta Cryst., B28, 1566 (1972)
  • N. Mandel and J. Donohue. The molecular and crystal structure of 16β,17β-dibromoandrostane. Acta Cryst., B28, 308-312 (1972)
  • K.J. Hwang, J. Donohue, and C.-C. Tsai. The Crystal and Molecular Structure of 12-Methyl-11,13-dioxo-12-aza-pentacyclo[,602,10.05,7]trideca-3,8-diene. Acta Cryst., B28, 1727 (1972)
  • H. Einspahr, R.E. Marsh, and J. Donohue. The Crystal Structure of Potassium Binoxalate. Acta Cryst., B28, 2194-2198 (1972)
  • G. Mandel and J. Donohue. The Crystal and Molecular Structure of Octachloro-2-4-dihydropentalene. Acta Cryst., B29, 710-714 (1973)
  • H. Einspahr, and J. Donohue. The Crystal and Molecular Structure of Dimethyl trans, trans-2,5-Dichloromuconate. Acta Cryst., B29, 1875-1880 (1973)
  • R. Boggs and J. Donohue. Spermine copper(II) perchlorate. Acta Cryst., B31, 320-322 (1975)
  • J. Donohue and J.P. Chesick. The Crystal and Molecular Structure of Dicinnamyl Disulfide. Acta Cryst., B31, 986 (1975)
  • A. Robbins, G.A. Jeffrey, J.P. Chesick, J. Donohue, F.A. Cotton, B.A. Frenz and C.A. Murillo. A refinement of the crystal structure of tetraphenylmethane: three independent redeterminations. Acta Cryst., B31, 2395-2399 (1975)
  • J. Donohue. Structure of graphite. Nature, 255, 172 (1975)
  • W.C. Stallings, Jr. and J. Donohue. A refinement of the crystal structure of N,N'-diglycyl-L-cystine dihydrate. Acta Cryst., B32, 1916-1917 (1976)
  • R. Boggs and J. Donohue. trans-4a-Acetoxy-8a-chloro-l,4,4a,5,8,8a-hexahydronaphthalene. Acta Cryst., B32, 1918-1919 (1976)
  • G.T. DeTitta, J.W. Edmonds, W. Stallings, and J. Donohue. Molecular structure of biotin. Results of two independent crystal structure investigations. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 98(7), 1920-1926 (1976)
  • J. Donohue and B.S. Hayward. Crystal structures of two local anesthetics: dibucaine·HCl·H2O and dimethisoquin·HCl·H2O. II. Revised parameters, bond distances, and bond angles. J. Chem. Crystallogr., 10(5-6), 157-161 (1980)
  • W.C. Stallings, Jr. and J. Donohue. Crystal and molecular structure of analgesics, I. Ciramadol hydrobromide, C15H23O2N·HBr. J. Chem. Crystallogr., 11(3-4), 59-67 (1981)
  • J. Donohue and W. Stallings, Jr.. Crystal and molecular structure of analgesics. II. Dezocine hydrobromide. J. Chem. Crystallogr., 11(3-4), 69-78 (1981)
  • J. Donohue and N. Mandel. Molecular structures of menthylS-methyl (S)p-phenyl phosphonothioate and menthyl methyl(R)p-phenylphosphonate. J. Chem. Crystallogr., 11(5-6), 189-196 (1981)
  • A.B. Smith III, B.H. Toder, P.J. Carroll, and J. Donohue. Andrographolide: an X-ray crystallographic analysis. J. Chem. Crystallogr., 12(4), 309-319 (1982)
  • H. Katz, T.E. Conturo, P.J. Nigrey and J. Donohue. Naphthaceno[5,6-cd]-1,2-dithiole, C18H10S2. J. Chem. Crystallogr., 13(3), 221-229 (1983)
  • J. Donohue, A.B. Smith III, and P.J. Carroll. Crystal and molecular structure of reductiomycin. J. Chem. Crystallogr., 14(1), 35-43 (1984)
  • J.M. Gromek and J. Donohue. Crystal and molecular structure of OC(CoC5H5)3(CF3CCCF3). J. Chem. Crystallogr., 14(3), 227-237 (1984)
  • J. Donohue. Revised space-group frequencies for organic compounds. Acta Cryst., A41, 203-204 (1985)
  • V.A. Santopietro, J. Donohue, and A.B. Smith III. Crystal and molecular structure of hydroxyjatrophone C. J. Chem. Crystallogr., 15(3), 247-255 (1985)
  • A.B. Smith, III, J.L. Wood, C.J. Rizzo, G.T. Furst, P.J. Carroll, J. Donohue and S. Oreurn, (+)-Hitachimycin: stereochemistry and conformational analysis. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 114, 8003-8007 (1992)

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