Matthew Stirling

Imagem preto e branco, Matthew and Marion Stirling estão em frente a uma cabana de palha. Ambos usam calça, camisa, botas e chapéu.
Matthew e Marion Stirling em 1939

Matthew Williams Stirling (Salinas, Califórnia, 189623 de Janeiro de 1975) foi um etnólogo, arqueólogo dos Estados Unidos da América. É mais bem conhecido por suas descobertas sobre a civilização olmeca.

Films de Stirling

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Preservados no Human Studies Film Archive, Suitland, Maryland

  • Exploring Hidden Mexico - Documenta as escavações de La Venta e Cerro de las Mesas.
  • Hunting Prehistory on Panama’s Unknown North Coast -Documenta as escavações de 1952 em sítios do norte do Panamá
  • Aboriginal Darien : Past and Present - Documenta a flora, fauna e etnografia de partes do Panamá durante uma viagem em 1954
  • In the Trail of Prehistoric America - Documenta uma expedição ao Equador em 1957, juntamente com uma curta filmagem etnográfica dos índios Colorado.
  • Mexico in Fiesta Masks
  • Uncovering an Ancient Mexican Temple
  • Exploring Panama’s Prehistoric Past
  • Uncovering Mexico’s Forgotten Treasures
  • America's First Settlers, the Indians National Geographic, 1937
  • Great Stone Faces of the Mexican Jungle National Geographic, 1940
  • An Initial Series from Tres Zapotes Mexican Archaeology Series, National Geographic, 1942
  • Origin myth of Acoma and other records BAE Bulletin 135, 1942
  • Finding Jewels of Jade in a Mexican Swamp (with Marion Stirling) National Geographic, 1942
  • La Venta’s Green Stone Tigers National Geographic, 1943
  • Stone Monuments of Southern Mexico BAE Bulletin 138, 1943
  • Indians of the Southeastern United States National Geographic, 1946
  • On the Trail of La Venta Man National Geographic, 1947
  • Haunting Heart of the Everglades/Indians of the Far West (com A. H. Brown) National Geographic, 1948
  • Stone Monuments of the Río Chiquito BAE Bulletin 157, 1955
  • Indians of the Americas National Geographic Society, 1955
  • The use of the atlatl on Lake Patzcuaro, Michoacan BAE Bulletin 173, 1960
  • Electronics and Archaeology (com F. Rainey e M. W. Stirling Jr) Expedition Magazine, 1960
  • Monumental Sculpture of Southern Veracruz and Tabasco Handbook of Middle American Indians, 1965
  • Early History of the Olmec Problem Dumbarton Oaks Conference on the Olmec, 1967
  • Solving the mystery of Mexico's Great Stone Spheres National Geographic, 1969
  • Historical and ethnographical material on the Jivaro Indians BAE Bulletin 117
  • An archeological reconnaissance in Southeastern Mexico BAE Bulletin 164
  • Tarquí, an early site in Manabí Province, Ecuador (com Marion Stirling) BAE Bulletin 186
  • Archaeological notes on Almirante Bay, Panama (com Marion Stirling) BAE Bulletin 191
  • Archaeology of Taboga, Urabá, and Taboguilla Islands, Panama (com Marion Stirling) BAE Bulletin 191
  • El Limón, an early tomb site in Coclé Province Panama (com Marion Stirling) BAE Bulletin 191