Staughton Lynd

Staughton Lynd
Nascimento Staughton Craig Lynd
22 de novembro de 1929
Morte 17 de novembro de 2022 (92 anos)
Residência Niles
Cidadania Estados Unidos
Cônjuge Alice Niles Lynd
Alma mater
Ocupação advogado, sindicalista, ativista, historiador
Empregador(a) Universidade Yale, Spelman College
Religião Quaker

Staughton Lynd (22 de novembro de 1929 - 17 de novembro de 2022) foi um ativista político, autor e advogado norte-americano.[1] Seu envolvimento em causas de justiça social o colocou em contato com alguns dos ativistas mais influentes do país, incluindo Howard Zinn, Tom Hayden, A. J. Muste e David Dellinger e Daniel Berrigan.[2][3] Em Yale, Lynd se tornou um oponente declarado da Guerra do Vietnã.[4]

A contribuição de Lynd para a causa da justiça social e o movimento pela paz é narrada na biografia de Carl Mirra, The Admirable Radical: Staughton Lynd and Cold War Dissent, 1945–1970 (2010).

Reimpresso de Dissent , vol. 12, nº 3, julho de 1965.
  • Ed. Nonviolence in America: A Documentary History (1966)
  • Ed. Reconstruction (1967)
  • Com Tom Hayden, The Other Side (1967)
  • Intellectual Origins of American Radicalism (1968)
  • Class Conflict, Slavery, and the United States Constitution: Ten Essays (1968)
  • Com Michael Ferber, The Resistance (1971)
  • Ed. Personal Histories of the Early C.I.O. (1971)
  • Com Gar Alperovitz, Strategy and Program: Two Essays Toward a New American Socialism (1973)
  • Ed. American Labor Radicalism: Testimonies and Interpretations (1973)
  • Ed. Com Alice Lynd, Rank and File: Personal Histories by Working-Class Organizers (1973)
  • Com Helen Merrell Lynd, Possibilities (1977)
  • Labor Law for the Rank & Filer (1978)
  • The Fight Against Shutdowns: Youngstown's Steel Mill Closings (1982)
  • Solidarity Unionism: Rebuilding the Labor Movement from Below (1992)
  • Ed. Com Alice Lynd, Homeland: Oral Histories of Palestine and Palestinians (1993)
  • Ed. Com Alice Lynd, Nonviolence in America: A Documentary History 2nd Ed. (1995)
  • Com Alice Lynd, Liberation Theology for Quakers (1996)
  • Ed. "We Are All Leaders": The Alternative Unionism of the Early 1930s (1996)
  • Living Inside Our Hope: A Steadfast Radical's Thoughts on Rebuilding the Movement (1997)
  • Com Alice Lynd, The New Rank and File (2000)
  • Lucasville: The Untold Story of a Prison Uprising (2004)
  • Napue Nightmares: Perjured Testimony in Trials Following the 1993 Lucasville, Ohio Prison Uprising (2008)
  • Com Daniel Gross, Labor Law for the Rank & Filer: Building Solidarity While Staying Clear of the Law 2nd Ed. (2008)
  • Com Andrej Grubačić, Wobblies & Zapatistas: Conversations on Anarchism, Marxism and Radical History (2008)
  • Class Conflict, Slavery, and the United States Constitution: Ten Essays 2nd Ed. (2009)
  • Com Alice Lynd, Stepping Stones: Memoir of a Life Together (2009)
  • Intellectual Origins of American Radicalism (Cambridge University Press)(2009)
  • From Here to There: The Staughton Lynd Reader (2010)
  • Com Daniel Gross, Solidarity Unionism at Starbucks (2011)
  • Ed. Com Alice Lynd, Rank and File: Personal Histories by Working-Class Organizers (Expanded Edition, 2011)
  • Accompanying: Pathways to Social Change (2013)
  • Doing History from the Bottom Up: On E.P. Thompson, Howard Zinn, and Rebuilding the Labor Movement from Below (2014)
  • Solidarity Unionism: Rebuilding the Labor Movement from Below (Second Edition, 2015)
  • Com Alice Lynd, Moral Injury and Nonviolent Resistance: Breaking the Cycle of Violence in the Military and Behind Bars (2017)
  • Com Alice Lynd, Nonviolence in America: A Documentary History (terceira edição, 2018)


  1. Staughton Lynd, Living Inside Our Hope: A Steadfast Radical's Thoughts on Rebuilding the Movement, Cornell University Press, 1997, p. 44.
  2. Zinn, Howard, A People's History of the United States, 1492–Present, 1999. New York: HarperCollins Publishers. P. 486.
  3. «Valley labor, peace activist Staughton Lynd dies at 92». (em inglês). Consultado em 18 de novembro de 2022 
  4. Zinn, Howard, A People's History of the United States, 1492–Presente, 1999. Nova York: HarperCollins Publishers. pág. 486.
  • FUECHTMANN, Thomas G. Steeples and Stacks: Religion and Steel Crisis in Youngstown. Nova York: Cambridge University Press, 1989.

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