Tony Rothman

Tony Rothman
Nascimento 24 de abril de 1953 (71 anos)
Nacionalidade Estados Unidos Estadunidense
Prêmios Prêmio Lester R. Ford (1983)
Campo(s) Física

Tony Rothman (24 de abril de 1953) é um físico estadunidense.

  • The world is round, Ballantine 1978 (Science Fiction)
  • Frontiers of modern physics: new perspectives on cosmology, relativity, black holes, and extraterrestrial intelligence, Dover 1985
  • Science à la mode: physical fashions and fictions, Princeton University Press 1989, Paperback 1991 (Essay Sammlung)
  • Censored Tales, Pan Macmillan 1989 (Kurzgeschichten über Russland)
  • A physicist on Madison Avenue, Princeton University Press 1991 (Essay-Sammlung, wurde für den Prêmio Pulitzer nominiert)
  • Instant physics: from Aristotle to Einstein, and beyond, Ballantine Books 1995
  • com E. C. G. Sudarshan Doubt and Certainty: the celebrated academy, Basic Books 1998
  • Everything's relative and other fables from science and technology, Wiley 2003
  • com Fukagawa Hidetoshi Sacred Mathematics: Japanese Temple Geometry, Princeton University Press 2008 (das Buch gewann den Association of American Publishers Award for Professional and Scholarly Excellence in Mathematics 2008)


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