Union of MunicipalitiesTransport BodyEnvironmental Body
The Metropolitan Aurie o Barcelona (Catalan: Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona), aften referred tae as Greater Barcelona, is a territorial entity operatin on the principle o metropolitan municipality componit o Barcelona an 34 adjacent municipalities aroond the ceety. This territorial entity integratit bi three territorial executive bouks an haes a population o 3,218,071 (INEArchived 2014-11-13 at the Wayback Machine, 2009) athin a aurie o 636 km2. It is the main core o the Àmbit metropolità de Barcelona, which haes a population o 5,012,961[1] an Barcelona metropolitan aurie, wi a population of 5 million.
Mancomunitat de MunicipisArchived 2005-05-13 at the Wayback Machine (Union o Municipalities): Coverin 31 municipalities, it manages common services affectin public spaces, infrastructur, facilities, urbanism an hoosin for 3,029,389 inhabitants in a aurie o 495 km2. Gien the range o services it affers, it is aften construed as the core o the AMB.
Entitat del TransportArchived 2014-02-22 at the Wayback Machine (Transport Authority): Coverin 18 municipalities, it serves a population o 2,790,803 in a aurie o 332 km2. These mak up the strict Barcelona conurbation. Creatit tae jyntly manage public transport athin its aurie.
Entitat del Medi AmbientArchived 2009-05-21 at the Wayback Machine (Environment Authority): Coverin 33 municipalities it serves a population o 3,121,795 in a aurie o 583 km2. Entrustit wi watter supply an waste management for the aurie.
The adjacent metropolitan zone, made up o several touns surroondit bi predominantly residential suburban auries wi detached, semi-detached an terracit hoosin, industrial estates, pairkland an firths, such as Sant Vicenç dels Horts, Sant Cugat del Vallès an Cerdanyola del Vallès.