Ashley Storrie (b 1986)[1] is a Scots comedian, actress an BBC Radio Scotland radio host. She daes a wheen o parody videos, an haes appeart at the Edinburra Fringe comedy shaw. She won the 2020 Scottish Comedy Award fur Best Radio Comic an wis shortleetit fur Herald Scottish Culture Awards in the comedy category in 2019. She is the dochter o Janey Godley.
Storrie wis born in Glesga tae Scots comedian Janey Godley an Sean Storrie. Her faither's faimily wis gangsters.[1]
She haed her furst shaw at the Edinburgh Fringe whan she wis 13, haein gien oot flyers fur her mither aforehaund.[2][1]
Ootthrou her life, she haes haed sindry jobs, tendin tae be sacked fur unco behaviour. She wis sacked fae her job as ae receptionist at ae Glesga law firm fur stackin cans o Coke intae ae pyramid durin ae meetin wi Japanese clients.[2][1]
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