Bosques de las Lomas

The Arcos Bosques complex in Bosques de las Lomas

Bosques de las Lomas is a colonia, or offeecially recognisit neebourheid, locatit in wastren Mexico Ceety. It faws pairtly in Cuajimalpa burgh an pairtly in Miguel Hidalgo borough.

The neebourheid is bordered bi:[1][2]

  • Colonia Lomas de Chapultepec on the east
  • the Palo Alto colonias (ahint which is the Santa Fe destrict) an colonias Lomas de Bezares, Real de Lomas an Lomas de Reforma on the sooth
  • Colonias Lomas de Chemazal an Lomas de Vista Hermosa on the wast an northwast
  • the Tecamachalco colonias on the north, which lee in the State o Mexico


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Accordin tae INEGI, in 2005, 24,552 fowk livit in the pairt o Bosques locatit in the Miguel Hidalgo burgh.[1]

Jewish commonty

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In the 1950s, 60s, an 70s, the majority o Mexico Ceety's Jews muivit frae Condesa, Roma an the Dountoun tae Polanco, Lomas de Chapultepec, Interlomas, Bosques de las Lomas, an Tecamachalco, whaur the majority are nou based.[3]


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The Arcos Bosques office an shoppin complex is locatit in the neebourheid, juist east o the beginnin o the Santa Fe destrict, Mexico Ceety's new financial destrict.


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Main roads in the neebourheid are Bosque de la Reforma, Paseo de los Ahuehuetes Sur, Paseo de los Tamarindos, an Paseo de los Laureles.[1]


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  1. a b c Mapa Colonias, Delegación Miguel Hidalgo, archived frae the original on 12 October 2013, retrieved 11 October 2013 Archived 2013-10-12 at the Wayback Machine
  2. El, Mapa de colonias de la Delegación Cuajimalpa[deid airtin]
  3. Vivienne Stanton (13 September 2010), The many faces of Jewish Mexico

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