Cathy Berx

Cathy Berx

Cathy Berx (born Berchem, 8 Januar 1969) is a Belgian Roman Catholic politeecian, jurist an govrenor o the province o Antwerp. Berx is marriet tae Johan Meeusen, vice-rector an professor o European Law at the University o Antwerp, an haes twa childer.

Career[eedit | eedit soorce]

Berx obtained her Maister o Laws in 1993 an wirkit frae then on as an assistant at the University o Antwerp. Frae 1997 till 2004 she wis a researcher for CEDER (Study Service o Christian Democratic Pairty). In 1998 she became Doctor o Laws an in 2000 she stairtit teachin at the U.A.

Frae 2001 til 2007 she wis vice-chairman o the Social Service Depairtment in Antwerp. An frae 2003 till 2008 she wis vice-chairman o the Christian Democratic Pairty. She joined the Flemish Parliament in 2004 till Aprile 2008. An frae 2007 till 2008 she wis a memmer o the Antwerp Ceety Cooncil.

Durin the difficult discussions in order tae get a new govrenment at the end o 2007, Cathy Berx wis a top staff memmer o Yves Leterme, who later became Prime Meenister o Belgium. Syne May 2008 she is the govrenor o the province o Antwerp an chairman o the Institute o Tropical Medicine Antwerp (ITG).

Source[eedit | eedit soorce]

Precedit bi
Camille Paulus
Govrenor o Antwerp
2008 –
Succeedit bi