Clan Agnew

Clan Agnew
Crest: An eagle issuant an reguardant Proper.
MottoCONSILIO NON IMPETU ("Bi Cooncil, no bi Force")
DestrictDumfries an Gallowa
Sir Crispin Agnew
11t Baronet o Lochnaw
Historic seatLochnaw Castle

Clan Agnew is a Lawland Scots clan frae Wigtounshire an Gallowa in the soothwast o Scotland.


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Thare ar twa theories as tae the oreegins o the name Agnew. The maist widely acceptit is that the name is French an derives frae the Barony d'Agneaux in Normandy. Emigrants frae the region first settled in Ingland afore muivin north in the 12t century tae Liddlesdale, Scotland. The ither theory is that the Clan Agnew wis connectit tae ane o the tribes in Ulster, Ireland, aiblins a sept o O'Gnive — pronoonced O'New. Ither versions o the name include O'Gnive, O'Gnyw, an MacGnive. The Agnews mey be relatit tae Keeng Somerled frae whom the Clan MacDonald descends.

14t century

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In 1318 the Agnew Lord o Larne accompanied Edward Bruce, younger brither o King Robert I o Scotland, tae Ireland. Edward hae been invited bi the Erse Lords tae expel the Inglis an tae rule as High King o Ireland. Agnew stayed in Ireland for three years while Edward attempted tae establish himsel.

Lochnaw Castle in 2007

15t century

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Andrew Agnew o Lochnaw wis granted the lands an constableship o Lochnaw Castle in 1426. In 1451 he wis appyntit Sheriff o Wigtown, an honour still held bi his direct descendants.

During the 15t century, the Clan Agnew rose tae pouer unner the influential Clan Douglas. The Agnews o Galloway initially benefited when the Clan Douglas fell oot o favour wi the monarch. Houiver this brocht them intae conflict wi the Clan MacKie an the Clan MacLellan.

16t century

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Andrew Agnew o Lochnaw wis killed at the Battle o Pinkie in 1547, fechtin against the Inglis.

17t century

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Sir Patrick Agnew wis MP for Wigtownshire frae 1628 tae 1633, an again frae 1643 tae 1647. He wis made a Baronet o Nova Scotia on 28 Julie 1629. He mairit Anne Stewart, dochter o the first Earl o Galloway. When he died in 1661, he wis succeeded bi his eldest son, Andrew, who wad an aa be returned as MP for Wigtownshire. Sir Patrick wis creatit Sheriff o baith Kirkcudbright an Wigtown in the 1650s, while Scotland wis pairt o the Protectorate wi Ingland.

18t century

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Andrew Agnew, the fift Baronet, mairit a kinswoman, Eleanor Agnew o Lochryan, wi whom he haed twenty ane childer. He wis a decorated sodger commanding the 21st Fit (which later became the Royal Scots Fusiliers) against the French at the Battle o Dettingen the French in 1743. King George II o Great Breetain, the last Breetish monarch tae led troops in battle, remarked tae Agnew that French cavalry haed been let amang his regiment. Sir Andrew replied, "Yes, please your Majesty, but they didna win back again".

During the 1745 Jacobite Rising the Clan Agnew continued thair support o the Breetish Govrenment. Sir Andrew held Blair Castle, seat o the Duke o Atholl who wis chief o the Clan Murray, against the Jacobite forces. The Clan Murray war dividit, thair chief supporting the Breetish Govrenment while his son supported the Jacobites. Agnew's forces war near starvation when Charles Edward Stuart cried the forces tae retreat tae Inverness tae meet the advance o Prince William Augustus, Duke o Cumberland.

20t century

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Despite his name, umwhile Vice President o the United States Spiro Agnew is nae relatit tae this clan; his name is a shortening o the Greek name Spiros Anagnostopoulos.

Arms o the Baronet o Lochnaw

Clan Chief

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