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The Criminal Justice (Scotland) Act 1980[1] is an Act o the Pairlament o the Unitit Kinrick (citation 1980 c.62) concernin Scotland alane. It is the law thit decriminalised homosexual acts atween twa consentin men in the kintra, an cam intae force on 1 Februar 1981.[2]
"Subject to the provisions of this section, a homosexual act in private shall not be an offence provided that the parties consent thereto and have attained the age of twenty-one years." (§80:1)
The law had a gey bit o support frae the kintra at lairge, especially amang the youth; a Sunday Mail survey o 1979 sayd thit twa-thirds o young Scots supported reform. Howsoever, it wis opponed bi monie kirk an civic leaders.[3] The homosexual age o consent fixed bi the Act (21) wis ilka tae the homosexual age o consent in Ingland an Wales (exponed in the the Sexual Offences Act, whilk decriminalised homosexual acts in these pairts in 1967)[4] but wis heicher than the age o consent fae heterosexual fowk in the Unitit Kinrick as a hale (16 yeir auld, as exponed in the Criminal Law Amendment Act 1885).
Follaein the passage o the Act, the Kirk began tae liberalise its views on homosexuality (altho still sayin that sex atween men wis sin).[3]
The ages o consent for baith homosexual and heterosexual acts in Scotland eventually becam the same (16) wi the passage o the Sexual Offences (Amendment) Act 2000.
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