Denmark–Turkey relations refer tae current an historical relations atween Denmark an Turkey. Denmark haes an embassy in Ankara,[1] an Turkey Haes an embassy in Copenhagen.[2] Baith kintras are members o NATO. Diplomatic relations atween Denmark an Turkey wur strained acause o the Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons controversy an Roj TV affair (Roj TV's broadcasting license wis suspendit bi the Supreme Coort in Denmark on February 27, 2014[3]).[4][5]
These relations date back 250 years an actually stairtit in the field o trade in the 18th century. On 14 October 1756, an Agreement o Friendship an Trade wis signed bi the Sultan Osman III an the Keeng Frederick V. In 1758, Denmark haes appyntit an extraordinary representative tae the Ottoman Empire.[6]
Frae 1618 tae 1648, Denmark an the Ottoman Empire focht taegither against the Haly Roman Empire as allies, frae 1618 tae 1629.[7] In 1643, Denmark aligned wi the Catholic pouers against Ottoman Empire an Swaden.[8]
In the Great Northren War, Denmark an the Ottoman Empire wur at war against each ither.
In the War o the Second Coaleetion, Denmark an the Ottoman Empire were at war against each ither.
Baith Denmark, Fraunce an the Ottoman Empire wur allies durin the Napoleonic Wars frae 1803 tae 1815, against Unitit Kinrick, Austrick, Roushie an Swaden.
During the Turkis–Armenie War in 1920, Denmark actit as a mediator in the war atween Armenie an Turkey.[9][10][11] A commercial agreement wis signed in Ankara (Angora) in 1926.[12] A Treaty o Establishment, Commerce and Navigation wis signed atween Denmark an Turkey in 1930.[13] In 1932, baith kintras signed a conciliation treaty in Geneva, Swisserland.[14] In 1948, a payment agreement were signed.[15]
On 26 November 1999, a "Jynt Action Plan" cooperation in poleetics, siccarity an defence wis signed when Turkis Foreign Meenister Ismail Cem veesitit Denmark.[4]
Trade between our two countries can be dated centuries back. In 1756 Denmark and The Ottoman Empire signed a treaty on commerce and friendship, which paved the way for closer ties – both human and commercial between our two people...
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