The Andaman leids fall intae twa clear faimilies, Great Andamanese an Ongan, plus ane unattested leid, Sentinelese. These ar ordinar seen as relatit.[2] Hooiver, the seemilarities atween Great Andamanese an Ongan ar so far mainly o a typological morphological naitur, wi little demonstratit common vocabulary.[3] Tharefor, even lang-range resairchers sic as Joseph Greenberg hae expressit douts as tae the validity o Andamanese as a faimily,[4] and Abbi conseeders the survivin Great Andamanese leid tae be an isolate.[5] The Great Andaman leids ar:
Great Andamanese (spoken bi Great Andamanese fowks)
Joseph Greenberg proposit that Great Andamanese is relatit tae western Papuan leids as members o a lairger phylum he caa'd Indo-Pacific,[4] but this is na generally acceptit bi ither linguists. Stephen Wurm states that the lexical seemilarities atween Great Andamanese an the West Papuan an certain leids o Timor "ar quite strikin an amount tae virtual formal identity […] in a number o instances", but conseeders this tae be due tae a linguistic substratum raither than a direct relationship.[7]
↑Sarkar, Jayanta (1990). The Jarawa. The ASI Andaman and Nicobar Island tribe series. Calcutta: Seagull Books on behalf of the Anthropological Survey of India. ISBN978-81-7046-080-0.