Guevea de Humboldt

Guevea de Humboldt
Municipality an toun
Guevea de Humboldt is located in Mexico
Guevea de Humboldt
Guevea de Humboldt
Location in Mexico
Coordinates: 16°47′N 95°22′W / 16.783°N 95.367°W / 16.783; -95.367Coordinates: 16°47′N 95°22′W / 16.783°N 95.367°W / 16.783; -95.367
Kintra Mexico
 • Total515.43 km2 (199.01 sq mi)
 • Total5,283
Time zoneUTC-6 (Central Staundart Time)
 • Summer (DST)UTC-5 (Central Daylicht Time)

Guevea de Humboldt is a toun an municipality in Oaxaca in sooth-wastren Mexico. It in the north o the Tehuantepec Destrict, that is in the wast o the Istmo Region.[1]


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The name Guevea comes frae the variant o the Zapotec leid o the local fowk, an means "flouer o clatchie watter or lily o the river".[1] A pentin on cotton cloot frae 1540 depicts the toun an its neebour Santo Domingo Petapa. The pictur records the history o the fowk frae the time o thair migration frae Zaachila up tae the Spainyie conquest, an wis designed tae establish auncient property richts.[2] The pentin records that the toun's first Spainyie ruler wis Pedro Santiago. The toun wis cried Guevea Santiago till 1936, whan the state govrenment chyngit the name tae Guevea de Humboldt, namin it efter the botanist an splorer Alexander von Humboldt wha spent some time in the toun.[3]


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The municipality covers a aurie o 515.43 km². The toun lees at a elevation o 620 metre abuin sea level. The region is muntainous, on the hicht o laund atween the north an sooth wattersheds o the Sierra Mixe. The climate is wairm, wi maist rainfaw in the simmer. Vegetation includes pine, aik, mahogany, ceiba, cedar an tropical fruit species. Wild fauna include as jaguar, tapir, deer Mazatec, tepeizcuinte, toucan, mockingbird an rattlesnake.[1]


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As o 2005, the municipality haed 1,265 hoosehaulds wi a tot population o 5,283, 2,475 o wham spak a hamelt leid. It is accessible via a clart road that connects it wi Santa María Guienagati. Economic activities include cultivation o coffee, succar cane, rice an coconuts, as weel as corn, beans an fruits on a smawer scale. Some fowk raise nowt, pigs, gaits an poultry an practice huntin an fishin for local consumption. Some loggin extracts fine firths frae the forests for furnitur manufacturin.[1]

In 1982 the fermers o Guevea de Humboldt an Santa María Guienagati, wi advice frae Jesuit mission team frae the Diocese o Tehuantepec, shapit the Union o Hamelt Commonties o the Isthmus Region tae help gain better prices for thair coffee crap. Thay war later jyned bi fermers frae ither commonties in the Sierra Mixe an northren Isthmus region.[4] The cooperative, whilk gained legal status in 1983, assists in technical an financial assistance for local manufactures, as weel as storage, transportation an naitional an internaitional mercattin o the products, o whilk the maist important is coffee. As it matured, it peyed increased attention tae the requirements o weemen an young, an tae heal, eddication an nutrition. The cooperative gained certification for its members' organic fermin, an haes established links tae fair trade organisations tae impruive the prices received.[5]


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  1. a b c d "Guevea de Humboldt". Enciclopedia de los Municipios de México. Instituto Nacional para el Federalismo y el Desarrollo Municipal. Archived frae the original on 27 Apryle 2007. Retrieved 18 Julie 2010.
  2. Joshua Schwab (2006). "Multiple voices in the Lienzo de Guevea y Petapa" (PDF). University of British Columbia. Archived frae the original (PDF) on 17 Julie 2011. Retrieved 18 Julie 2010.
  3. Janet Gómez Sibaja (21 Januar 2010). "Guevea de Humboldt, corazón de la sierra mixe – zapoteca". El Sur (in Spanish). Archived frae the original on 4 Mairch 2012. Retrieved 18 Julie 2010.CS1 maint: unrecognised leid (link)
  4. Gavin Fridell (2007). Fair trade coffee: the prospects and pitfalls of market-driven social justice. University of Toronto Press. p. 184ff. ISBN 0-8020-9238-1.
  5. "Union of Indigenous Communities of the Isthmus Region" (PDF). GPIAtlantic. Retrieved 18 Julie 2010.