Humphrey Appleby

Sir Humphrey Appleby, GCB, KBE, MVO, MA (Oxon), is a feectional chairacter in Breetish televeesion programme Yes, Minister an Yes, Prime Minister. He wis played bi Sir Nigel Hawthorne. In Yes Minister, he is the Permanent Secretary for the Depairtment o Administrative Affairs (a feectional depairtment o the Breetish govrenment). In the hindmaist episode of Yes, Minister (Party Games), he becomes Govrenment Secretary, the poseetion he haes throu Yes, Prime Minister. Sir Nigel won the BAFTA Awaird for this chairacter fower times: 1981, 1982, 1986 an 1987 in category Best Licht Entertainment Performance.

Fremmit airtins

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