Poland–Turkey relations

Pols–Turkis relations are foreign relations atween Poland an Turkey. Poland haes an embassy in Ankara, an a general consulate in Istanbul. Turkey haes an embassy in Warsaw. Baith kintras are full members o NATO an the Union for the Mediterranean.

Pols-Turkis relations wur historically strang, the offeecial relations wur established in the 15th century.[1] The Ottoman Empire, alang wi Persie, wis the anelie major kintra in the warld which did nae recognise the Pairteetions o Poland.[1] In the 19th century many Pols veterans o the November Uprisin, Januar Uprising an Crimean War arrived in Turkey. Many Pols officers, like Michał Czajkowski, served in the Ottoman Airmy. Pols general Marian Langiewicz spent the last years o his life in Turkey, focht in the Ottoman Airmy an died in Istanbul, where he is buried at the Haydarpaşa Seemetry. Pols naitiojal poet Adam Mickiewicz spent the last months o his life in Istanbul an died there. The hoose where he lived wis later transformed intae the Adam Mickiewicz Museum.

Thaee is awso the Pols veelage o Polonezköy (Adampol) in Turkey. It lies on the Anatolie side o Istanbul an wis settled in 1842 bi Pols veterans o the November Uprising. In the 19th and 20th centuries further Pols settlers arrived. As o 2009 thare is still a Pols minority in the veelage.[1]

Famous Turks wi pairtial Pols ancestry include the poet and playwright Nâzım Hikmet, and the soprano opera singer Leyla Gencer.

Recent relations

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Kintra that recognises the Armenie Genocide hichlichtit in daurk green. Poland is ane o these kintras tae recognise the genocide.

Awthou Turkey an Poland enjoy good relations, syne the latter o 20th century, relationship atween the twa sometimes goes tense. Poland wis ane o the main kintras that condemned Turkis invasion o Cyprus an haes affirmed its stance for a unitit Cyprus. Mairower, in 2005, Poland haed offeecially recognised the Armenie Genocide, forcing Turkey tae withdraw its ambassador for a month an made thair relationship a bit sour.

In recent years, due tae Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's authoritarian reign an his growing tie wi Roushie, relations hae deterioratit. Poland haes viewed Roushie as a threat on naitional sovereignty an haes been very critical o Roushie meddling in foreign affairs. Mairower, due tae Turkey's S-400 deal wi Roushie, wi baith Turkey an Poland being NATO members, it haes caused further strain on Pols–Turkis relations.[2]


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  1. a b c "Edukacja Międzykulturowa: Turcy" (PDF). Archived frae the original (PDF) on 3 Julie 2010. Archived 2010-07-03 at the Wayback Machine (48.9 KB)
  2. https://www.dw.com/en/turkish-russian-missile-deal-puts-nato-on-edge/a-42572965

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